10 IELTS Tips That Can Help You Do Well

10 IELTS Tips That Can Help You Do Well

Are you going to take an IELTS exam soon? If so, you may be getting ready for the big day. Actually, you should work hard to be better at all the four areas of study. In other words, you may want to work on your reading, writing, listening and speaking skills. All of these areas need your attention. Getting a good score on your IELTS exam should be your goal. If you need some tips to get a better score, read on.

Work on your weaknesses

In any field, if you want to stay ahead, you should work hard to find out your weaknesses and then try to become stronger. For instance, if you are not good at reading, make sure you work hard to become a better reader.

Reading and listening

You should also pay close attention to both reading and listening skills. The reason is that they are graded objectively. On the other hand, speaking and writing are graded subjectively. As a result, you can’t find out what you are going to get no matter how much time you invest in order to get prepared for the exam.


You should keep in mind that time is short during the IELTS exam. What you have to do is answer the reading passage without crossing the time limit. It’s important to keep in mind that one hour is not usually enough to write answers for all of the 40 questions.

Writing section

For the writing section, it’s a good idea to do the second task first. The reason is that this part can give you more marks compared to the first task. Aside from this, make sure you practice completing essays within an hour since you won’t have more time.

Sample drills

For sample drills, we suggest that you train yourself for following instructions. Not following the instruction is not a choice.

Develop your stamina

You should take some steps to develop your stamina. For this, we suggest that you do a simulation exam. In these exams, you should answer the three modules i.e. reading, writing and listening keeping the time limit of 2 hours and 40 minutes in mind.

Sleep well

It’s not a good idea to keep studying after the midnight before the test day. Instead, what you should do is get a good night’s sleep as it can help you focus on the test in the exam hall.

Take your breakfast

In the morning, make sure you eat your breakfast. During the test, you won’t be able to focus well on an empty stomach.

Speaking test

For most students, speaking test is a lot harder than other tests. For practice, you may want to talk with your friends, or a good mentor in English. You should simulate what may happen in this section, which will help you boost your confidence.

Get feedback

Lastly, getting feedback from the students who took the test is also a good idea. What you need to do is get information about what questions they answered during the test. This will help you a lot.

So, these tips may help you do well during the exam.