10 Relaxing Rock Songs

10 Relaxing Rock Songs

Panic stricken? Dead tired? Extremely anxious? Having difficulty sleeping? Head is swimming? No peace inside? Want an out? Listen to music!

Music is considered to be an essential measure for relaxation. Many therapists use music as treatment. Mostly classical music is the prescribed medicine, but that doesn’t need to be a necessity.

Below are 10 songs by rock bands and artists which have an intensely soothing effect on the nerves and will make you feel at peace.

1. Imagine – John Lennon

Much doesn’t need to be said about what this song does to the listener. Live in Utopia for a while, and you’ll get what is desired by all (and what John philosophized) – peace!

2. Perfect Day – Lou Reed

A lazy, melodious track. It may have been written about heroin, but that doesn’t mean it cannot work wonders for the sane mind. When facing problems or overwhelmed, just slow down. Give it some time and let it go. Escape for a while!

3. Big D’s Touch – Buckethead

One of the most relaxing tunes to come out of Buckethead’s fingers is this instrumental. Let it touch you. It will make you want to lie down, and just stay like that forever.

4. I Talk to the Wind – King Crimson

King Crimson takes you on a trip that makes you see all that is going around in the world. Let them. Feel the dreamy music and take a moment to reflect on yourself.

5. Time in a Bottle – Jim Croce

Incorporating the harpsichord in the song was a masterstroke by Croce. While the wavy music washes over you, you can imagine all the things that you could do if you save just a little bit of time. Savvy, isn’t it?

6. Grantchester Meadows – Pink Floyd

Bird chirps, lazy guitar tunes, soothing voices, and words speaking about nature, this song will transport you into a pastoral enclave surrounded by birds, animals, trees, rivers, where you can laze around in the sun. In one word, bliss!

7. Why Worry – Dire Straits

Mark Knopfler tells in his soothing golden voice not to worry, because there is always good after bad, light after dark and such. Take things lightly, and relax! So indeed, why worry?

8. Black Mountain Side – Led Zeppelin

Inspired by Irish folk song “Down by Blackwaterside”, this Indian classical influenced instrumental shows why Jimmy Page is one of the greatest guitarists of all time. He simulated the sound of the sitar on an acoustic guitar and Viram Jasani played the tabla. The song takes one into a pleasant, delusional, otherworldly dimension.

9. Summer Daze – Slowdive

This song, by one of the better shoe-gazing bands, is an induced dream. The music moves in and out of the mind, leaving the listener in a trance and almost lulls him to sleep.

10. Asleep – The Smiths

The song is interpreted to be about suicide, but on a very simple note, it also means wanting to fall asleep and not waking up for a long time. After being absolutely exhausted, we only want a good, long, sound sleep, and this song is perfect for listening to in bed before falling asleep.