3 Things to Consider When Choosing a Network Marketing Business Opportunity

3 Things to Consider When Choosing a Network Marketing Business Opportunity

There have been many articles and reviews written about which are the best MLMs and what are the characteristics of good Network Marketing Home Based Business opportunities, but when it comes to decide which to choose, I am of the opinion that each individual opportunity has to be evaluated on it’s own merit but also on how well it fits with the person considering the MLM opportunity. Since we are not all the same, and we do not have the same needs, wants and aspirations, the definition of a good opportunity will undoubtedly vary from one person to the next. That said, there are three basic dimensions that should be considered when choosing a Network Marketing Business Opportunity which will help determine the best fit.

Product alignment – The first thing to consider is what type of product are you looking for? There are network marketing, and direct selling business opportunities for just about any product imaginable. Is your intention to just sell the product or do you intend on also promoting the business opportunity as well? The answer to this question may significantly influence the choices of companies that are looked at because in the case of the latter, the business opportunity has to also be evaluated as a product in and of itself. So when considering the product, ask yourself what would make someone want to buy it rather than a substitute. Is it competing on quality, or price, or both. What is your perception of how well this product sells? Would you use it yourself? Do you see yourself promoting it? Would you use it if it wasn’t tied to the business opportunity? Is the product in line with your values and belief system? For example, is it manufactured overseas or at home. Is it an ethical or green product? Are you comfortable with where and how the product was manufactured. These questions all require personal preference answers, from which you can determine which products to evaluate and also assess how well the product is in alignment with you.

Company alignment – Your personal values and beliefs also need to be compared to the company values. Depending on your plans and your own needs, some companies may offer services you value more. For example, some offer training in prospecting and lead generation? Do you have your own marketing plans and systems, if so, does the company let you use them or are you bound and limited in action by restrictions. How important is it to you to have back office support? What services do you need? Are you risk tolerant or risk averse? If you are risk tolerant, is a new opportunity something you would consider? On the other hand, if you are risk averse, you may want to choose among more established companies that have been in operation for a long time. Along those same lines, the companies indebtedness should be considered as well. In terms of how the business operates, are you required to maintain product inventories? What will be you implication in the logistics involved with managing sales, ordering, shipment, fulfilment billing and payment. Are you involved? Do you want to be involved? Will you be dependent on your up line for training and support? If so, your evaluation may consider who the sponsor is, their experience, and what they have to offer. These questions all help to establish whether or not a company is in alignment with you.

Compensation Plan Effectiveness – The final piece has to do with how well the policies and procedures surrounding the reward system are in line with your value system and how well they reinforce the desired behaviours you need to be a successful network marketer. For starters, are you required to spend money to buy product for yourself? Do you have product sales minimums to maintain in order to retain your affiliate status or to be eligible for bonuses and/or payouts. Do you have to maintain quotas for new signups? Does the compensation plan reinforce teamwork by providing incentives for team-building? Does it allow teams to grow and develop over time, or does it systematically split out teams as they cycle through the matrices or boards? Does the plan allow for new prospects to be inserted further down in the matrix where they are most needed. Does it recognize top performers for their indivudual efforts? The answers to these questions will help paint a picture of what behaviours the compensation plan rewards and consequently how aligned those behaviours are with you own value system.

So to summarize, it is very difficult to come up with generic assessments of what are the best Network Marketing Opportunities are as each one is different in its own right and each person assessing an opportunity has a different set of needs and values to which they compare in order to make that assessment. Consequently, by considering an opportunity along the three basic dimensions of Product Alignment, Company Alignment, and Compensation Plan Effectiveness, it becomes more apparent to the assessor which opportunities are indeed the most promising, for them.