5 Key Areas Where We Must Vote Our Hopes, Instead Of Our Fears!

5 Key Areas Where We Must Vote Our Hopes, Instead Of Our Fears!

Wouldn’t it, be nice, if our elected officials, appealed to us, in an aspirational manner, rather than, to our fears, biases, prejudices, and perceived, self – interests? Although, to a degree, this may be, as it always, was, it seems, in recent times, it has become, even, more predominant! Shouldn’t we seek, to be served and represented, by individuals, who prioritize, bringing us, together, for the greater good, and seeks to emphasize, a meeting – of – the – minds, rather than individuals, making empty promises, and using divisive, polarizing rhetoric, and appears, to avoid personal responsibility, by reverting – to, blaming and complaining others, denials, and putting their personal/ political agenda, and self – interest, ahead of the greater good? With, that in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, 5 key areas, which should, be concerning, etc.

1. Environment/ climate: When some Republicans, instead of making meaningful proposals, regarding climate issues, accuse President Biden, of, aiming to take away, beef, to eat and enjoy, how does that help, address the relevant, sustainable challenges/ obstacles, related to the potential ramifications, of continuing, the ill – advised, denials, and, procrastination? Shouldn’t every generation, have the obligation/ duty, to ensure future ones, enjoy clean air, water, etc? When, nearly, every scientist/ expert, states, action is needed, sooner, rather than later, isn’t the attempt to avoid taking action, by appealing to fears, including economic, etc, a dangerous, and irresponsible one?

2. Race relations/ Systemic racism: Nearly, every, objective individual, recognizes, racism, is a recurring issue, in this nation, especially, as it relates to jobs/ employment/ earnings, health care, treatment by the Judicial system (from some of the police actions/ behaviors/ attitude, to the un – equal treatment, in the Courts), etc. Instead of focusing, on how, both parties, might unify, to make things, better, and fairer, the official response, to President Biden’s recent speech, to the Congress, given by Senator Tim Scott (the only, Republican African – American Senate member), denied it exists, and, emphasized, the great job, done by President Trump!

3. Unify, versus, polarize: Doesn’t it make sense, more might be achieved, if our officials, emphasized, unifying, instead of polarizing? Unfortunately, we have observed, in recent years, a widening, in the gap, and less attempt, to seek bipartisan agreement, for the common good!

4. Real versus fake facts: When, former President Trump, who, political fact – checkers, stated, committed, the most lies, distortions, and misleading statements, in recent memory, consistently, articulates a message, accusing, any opposition, opposing report/ position, etc, as fake facts, and, his core supporters, accept, his version, of reality, how does that help?

5. Fiscal policies/ priorities: The hypocrisy, regarding, our fiscal policies, and/ or, deficit spending, does little, to bring about, a necessary, meeting – of – the – minds, for the greater good! This should concern us!

Wake up, America, and demand better service and representation, from those, we elect, instead of, the same – old, same – old, focus/ emphasis, on appealing to fears, and perceptions, rather than viable solutions! Will you be a better, more responsible, voter?