5 Reasons to Vacation in Mexico

5 Reasons to Vacation in Mexico

You’ve been ready for vacation since the day you started your new job, eagerly counting each day you accrued like a miser counts coins. This is going to be more than a vacation; its going to be an explosion of independence and your ultimate expression of individuality. Its time to show the boss whose the boss! The days off you worked so hard to earn should not be squandered, they should be your opportunity for adventure, escaping the standard and mundane and breaking free of the usual and predictable. You want your vacation to be an international adventure, but you don’t want to spend all of your vacation time traveling in the air to your destination. Mexico is the answer to all of your questions and the solution for all of your vacation desires. Here are 5 reasons to make Mexico your vacation destination.

International in no time.

You meet them in the lunch room every day; those guys that keep bragging about the places they’ve been all over the world. Their passport is falling apart, one more ink stamp and there just won’t be anymore room! They’ll have to apply for a continuation or something. This is the time to get started on yours. In just a couple of hours (depending on how close you live to Mexico of course) you are passing through customs, and crossing the border, into a foreign land and a new country. Congratulations, you are now an international traveler! The signs are different, the voltage is different and the language is different. You are in a different country that is now beckoning you to explore the culture and experience the regional adventures that abound. This is way better than an afternoon at that kitschy ‘Swiss Village’ in the next state. This is the real deal.

Cultural Experience

So you’ve ridden the Mummy Madness ride at the state fair. Sorry, that doesn’t count as ‘touring Egypt.’ See the Mayan Ruins for yourself, experience the color and pageantry of another culture, and celebrate the history of an ancient civilization. Let all of the stories, myths and legends come to life just for you. Learn a new history while being able to dispel old myths first hand. Explore Mexico like an urban anthropologist, taking in the entire cultural experience, learning and observing. Much of what you will see and do you have only read about or, perhaps you saw it in film or television. Here it is presented to you, for interpretation and personal experience. A unique experience that you will keep with you always.

The Moveable Feast

If you think that means takeout food, you definitely need to book the first flight to Mexico. Culinary tourism is one of the most popular vacations people are planning these days. Vacationers still want to see all of the sights of course, but they also want to eat everything in sight while they get there. Sure, there are a lot of places close by offering the world’s best coffee and world famous burgers. Now is the time to look far beyond the obvious and ordinary, and explore the delicious and exotic. Food tours of Mexico will guarantee a culinary adventure like no other. If you can imagine it, the odds are pretty good you can find someone, somewhere frying it up. You can play it safe enjoy your familiar favorites or, you walk on the wild side, returning from vacation with gastronomical tales guaranteed to terrify and titillate all that are brave enough to listen.

Surf and Turf

You want to spend every day on the beach, doing nothing but relaxing in the sand and listening to the waves. No, wait. Scratch that. Mountain climbing in the high country, or maybe trekking through the jungle, or perhaps exploring the desert. Mexico provides the most diverse geology and terrain in the shortest distances. From the beach, you can gaze upon majestic peaks far in the distance. To access some of the beaches, a trek through the jungle is required. In the colorful deserts, stars blanket the night sky. Just one look at the satellite map online and the imagination runs wild. From the Gulf of California, through the desert, over the mountains and into the rain forests, then back to the beach again, this time at the Gulf of Mexico. Hundreds of miles of endless coastline stretching to the south. The culture and experience changing and diversifying at every beach.

When legends become legendary

There’s something in the waves, in the air, in the sky. The mood, the buzz, the hum. No one can seem to put their finger on it but, but they keep going back for more. There is a vibe and a mojo in Mexico that you just can’t get anywhere else. A recycling, reinvigorating swell of romance and exotic adventure. The food, the people, the colors. Somehow they all combine to help you reignite the sense of adventure you thought you had lost long ago, or perhaps Mexico will unlock the adventurous spirit you never knew you had. The solitary traveler in Mexico ends their journey deep in self discovery, while the couples who venture there return with rekindled emotions and new, bonding memories. It will be hard to separate the fantasy from the reality as the mysterious, ancient and exotic surroundings of Mexico fill you with memories and experiences that you could never find anywhere else.