5 Things to Consider When Designing Your Mobile App

5 Things to Consider When Designing Your Mobile App

Congratulations, you have decided to design your own mobile app! Yes, these are the times when an app is not just beneficial to businesses, but a powerful product in itself. However, it certainly does not involve a one-size-fits-all strategy. Here are 5 things to consider when designing your mobile application:

Target Audience:

Have a well-defined target audience. Be specific about your audience’s geographical location, demographic, preferences, tendencies, and requirements. For example- if you are a women’s apparel company, you need to choose heavily visual content with a feminine look and feel via colors, motifs etc.

Market Competition:

Every product needs a buyer. Does your product have enough demand to ensure that people download your app? For instance, if you are launching a messaging application, your competitors are Whatsapp, Facebook Messenger, Snapchat, WeChat and so on. In this case, your application needs to have a highly unique and advanced offering in order to become successful within this category of apps.

Type of App:

If your application aims to have features specifically for a mobile user, it is best you go for a native, designed for the platform you choose (Android or iOS). If you already have a successfully running website, one can go for a hybrid, which has the basic functionality of a native but has the internet browser within that application- which means it depends on the website to run, and cannot run offline. Hybrid Apps are also lighter in the pocket.

High degree of usability:

Whichever mobile application you design should appeal to the end user. Appealing graphics and images will prove to be skin deep if the app is not responsive. Clean display, a short loading time, bold navigation elements are a must. Touch friendly features like drag, pinch and swipe (think Tinder right swipe!) are also essential if you truly want users engaged on your application.

App Marketing:

Ha! You can’t skip this step. If you’re designing an app, make sure to build a marketing strategy simultaneously. This can range from in-app marketing to building a good landing page and promoting the app on social media channels. Even more importantly, you should spend time crafting a creative app description for the Apps Store (or Google Play). It is literally like the app’s resume or your bio on a matrimonial site!

Whether you are an App UI designer or a company looking to get an app made, we hope the above pointers have encouraged you to step into the app designing process with awareness. If you have a clear vision of the app’s purpose, give attention to refining wireframes and prototypes and market the app well, it will be sure to create an impact.