5 Top Health Benefits of Ginger

5 Top Health Benefits of Ginger

For over 2000 years ginger has been part of Chinese medicine, used for preventing and curing many health problems. It is known to promote energy circulation in the body while increasing the body’s metabolic rate. Anything used by the Chinese for medicinal purposes always gets a thumbs up from me personally. They always seem to be a few steps ahead of the rest of the world when it comes to these matters.

Nowadays ginger is used all across the world and is included in many popular recipes. Like China, many other countries are also using it to prevent and heal minor ailments, but also to combat more serious diseases like cancer. Below are just a few ways ginger is used:

Morning and Motion Sickness – A study from the University of Maryland Medical Center showed that ginger can treat nausea that is caused by pregnancy and chemotherapy. It can reduce the symptoms of motion sickness including vomiting, dizziness and cold sweating.

By grating a few inches of a fresh ginger rhizome and then diluting it in filtered water, you can ease the pain of an upset stomach, and reduce the effects of nausea and vomiting. You can add a teaspoon of honey to sweeten the strong taste. This is the reason why people are given ginger ale when they are seasick; but nothing beats the original fresh extract if it’s available.

Ovarian and Colon Cancer Treatment – Several studies have showed that ginger has the ability to defeat several types of cancers cells including some of the most aggressive and most difficult ones to treat, including ovarian and colon cancer.

The University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center found through their research that ginger can destroy ovarian cancer cells, at a similar or better rate, than the platinum-based chemotherapy drugs typically used to treat ovarian cancer.

Menstrual Cramp – In Chinese medicine, ginger tea with brown sugar is given as a treatment for menstrual cramps. So the next time your wife or girlfriend asks for a present, show up with a ginger root instead of a box of chocolates. But before you get slapped across the face, make sure she reads these benefits of ginger!!!

Improvement of Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis – In numerous studies researchers found that the awesome anti-inflammatory compounds that are found in ginger, are responsible for reduction in pain and improvement in mobility for those who suffer from osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

In two separate clinical studies it was revealed that by taking ginger, arthritis patients and patients with muscular discomfort experienced less relief of pain and swelling by 75% and 100% respectively.

Cough, Sore Throat and Stuffy Nose –The countless ginger benefits go on and on. A natural cure for coughs and sore throats is to drink your own fresh ginger tea. Partially slice a few strips of ginger and crush them to help out the active ingredients. Then boil to make a southing tea, adding either lemon slices or honey to add even more healthy nutrients, and also to add some taste.

Instead of adding lemon slices in your tea, try adding some coconut milk. Again not the best of tastes but it does help to break up phlegm and will boost your immune system.

Ginger is undoubtedly a superfood, best known for it’s gastrointestinal soothing effects. It should definitely be introduced in your healthy balanced diet if you have been neglecting it so far. Like all foods and superfoods, consuming with moderation is the key to gaining the health benefits. It is also advised to consult your local physician for any food you add in your daily food diet.