5 Ways to Refine the Online Shopping Experience of Buyers in Magento Sites

5 Ways to Refine the Online Shopping Experience of Buyers in Magento Sites

Buying things online is no more a trend now but an absolute necessity for people from every age group and class. With growing preferences among the masses for online shopping, there erupted several robust platforms like Magento and Shopify to provide definite support and assistance to retailers who wish to take their business to the virtual or web front. Subsequently, the number of entrepreneurs selling and transacting online soared high in the recent years. However, with eCommerce market getting saturated with hundreds of thousands of alike stores, it’s predominantly difficult for the retailers to devise and present their store in an unusual way to make it more appealing and useful to every single visitor. This article thus gets into the details of some conspicuous strategies that can help in personalisation of Magento-based eCommerce sites to augment the online experience of visitors magnificently.

Orderly navigation

Almost every visitor to the store comes with something or other in their mind. Leading customers effortlessly through the different pages so they right away get whatever they are seeking for is an excellent way to make them happy. One needs to make his website navigation as simple and user-friendly as possible. Using the extension, Layered Navigation Pro is an effective way to provide enhanced navigation as it enables eCommerce owners to utilise breadcrumbs categories display, show a dropdown with different attributes, and provide multiple-select type menus.

Refining search results

To make the quest of the keen buyers for products easy and quicker, the site’s search area should enable them to search with their desired keywords and by multiple attributes under an umbrella category. Magento site owners can refine the search experience of customers by allowing them to apply multiple filters and providing a responsive search field where prominent product suggestions will automatically appear as they type in the search box.

Easing out Checkout steps

A crucial stage in every online shopping experience that irks buyers is the check-out as they have to go through the menial process of filling forms, entering minutest of details for registering before finally paying for the purchased item. Thus, as a salvage to this, it is imperative that online shopping sites devise a shortest and swiftest process of checkout that includes only minimal information requirements but incorporates all the necessary sections and details (Address details, shipping mode, delivery time, payment method and order summary). Apparently, One Step Checkout is one of the latest extension available to Magento site owners to instantly optimise their checkout process.

Prominent ‘Call-to-action’

A prominent button for call-to-action (with vibrant colour or visual animation) is probably the most lucid way to kill any confusion of the customers regarding how to place an order. A bright coloured CTA that standouts in a plain background or a blinking CTA in the product pages can direct the visitors to undertake the much needed action.

Engaging experiences with cross-selling and upsell

While customers in this modern-day digital era want to experience the best and get the best of products, a Magento-based site can provide them that with the features of cross-selling and upselling. Retailers can show suggestions for premium products in the same category, related or complementary items with cross-sell and upsell extensions to retarget the customers and soar up their sales.

While personalisation is key to augment sales conversion of stores in the volatile eCommerce segment, these decisive strategies are effectual in a big way to provide striking experience to the customers. Every aspiring retailer needs to work out systematically with these approaches to provide an absolute one-on-one personalised experience to audiences on their Magento sites.