6 Types of Health That Make Up You Part III

6 Types of Health That Make Up You Part III

“Take Control Of Your Health Naturally”

Emotional Health

Emotional Health is one of the most affected yet neglected aspects of our health. It can be easily confused with mental health. Emotional health is explained by the degree in which a person feels secure and relaxed in everyday life. An emotionally healthy person has an open mind, an open heart and a relaxed body. They will have a high self-esteem and will not react with quick off the cuff responses, and with anxiety or panic to events that occur in everyday life.

Emotionally safe people are calm and patient with others because they are emotionally safe with themselves and are not quick to judge or criticize. Feelings are not something that an emotionally healthy person avoid or control because they are secure with them. Instead they are expressed in an assertive healthy manner.

Well, sounds really good huh? Don’t feel bad! Most people are not emotionally healthy. Too much life has hit them and there you have it; trash in, trash out. Nevertheless, you want to strive to be emotionally healthy.

If you want to improve your physical and mental health you need to achieve emotional health. A lack of emotional health is often the cause of physical disease and mental illness.

How to Improve Your Emotional Health Naturally?

The way to improve your emotional wellness is to learn to feel your authentic emotions and feelings and express them in assertive ways.

Steps to resolve conflict and find healthy emotions:

1. Step back – take a deep breath

2. Be honest – Identify your feelings

3. Own your role – It takes two

4. Do not accept other’s responsibility – It takes two

5. Find a confidant – Professional therapist

6. Deal with it – Do not obsess

7. Time for action – Decide a plan of action

8. Forgive – For you not for them

Taking time to heal and take care of your emotional wellness is a must. It is just as important as the rest. Finding the balance between all six is the difficult part.