6 Types of Health That Make Up You Part V

6 Types of Health That Make Up You Part V

“Take Control of Your Health Naturally”

Spiritual Health

Spirituality, one of the six components of health needs just as much attention as the rest. Those who take care of their spiritual health have been known to thrive better in difficult situations than those who don’t.

Spiritual Health is a personal matter involving values and beliefs that provide a purpose in our lives. While different individuals may have different views of what spiritualism is, it is generally considered to be the search for meaning and purpose in human existence, leading one to strive for a state of harmony with oneself and God.

Your religious faith, values, beliefs, principles, and morals define your spirituality. Finding the ability to have compassion, the capacity for love and forgiveness, joy, and fulfillment help with spiritual health. The path to spiritual health may involve prayer, church, meditation, or specific spiritual practices that support your connection to a higher power or belief system.

Things to do to enhance your spiritual health:

Pray and talk to the Lord or whoever you worshiptake time to voice your thoughts.

Meditate – Focus on a peaceful thoughts

Have a good relationship with yourselfGive yourself a break

Deep breathing sessions – It’s a good time to come in contact with your inner thoughts and feelings.

Listen to your inner voice and follow your gutYour gut is almost always right!

Watch or read something uplifting It will inspire you.

Laugh a lot and sing a loud to your favorite song – Simple things can really improve the way you feel towards yourself and life in general.

Don’t take anything for granted -It helps you to realize how well you have it.

Do something for someone else everyday it will make you feel good with the added bonus of making someone else feel good too!

Statistics show that people with good spiritual health are able to make it through adversity better than those who don’t. Just like all the other aspects of our beings, physical, mental, social, and emotional, our spirit has to be taken care of.


1 Corinthians 13:13