6 Ways to Reduce Stress by Being Organized

6 Ways to Reduce Stress by Being Organized

Clutter, both mentally or physically, creates stress. And stress zaps your energy and creativity. By taking some time to organize yourself, you’ll be re-energized and clutter-free.

Reduce your stress by getting your mind, schedule, priorities, and clutter organized:

– List everything that is flying through your mind – your to do list, places you need to go, people you need to contact, etc. Jotting these items down on paper relieves the stress of having to remember all of them.

– Next, prioritize and assign a day and time to each task. By doing this, your sense of overwhelm will decrease. Breaking down your list into bite-sized pieces gives peace of mind because you’re not faced with a never-ending, unprioritized list of things to do. Having a time assigned to each task prevents panic because you know there is  time and place for everything on your list.

– If you are still feeling overwhelmed, evaluate whether everything on your list is actually important to you. In addition, ask yourself if you have over-committed yourself. Remove those things that are least important, least urgent, or to which you are no longer committed. If possible, delegate or get some help on the remaining items on your list.

– Practice saying, “NO!” to reduce the possibility of over-commitment.

– If you have tasks you need to do each day, make a daily routine list to follow in order to accomplish those high-priority items.

– Now, take a look around you. If your surroundings are disorganized and cluttered, it’s hard to have a focused and productive mind. Take a few minutes and clean off a surface, putting each item away. If an item doesn’t have a home, determine where it will be most useful and efficient. If your clutter is sizable, attack it in short bursts rather than a long siege. You can do anything for 15 minutes! Start in the corner and work around the room.

When your mind is clear of clutter and your surroundings are neat and orderly, your stress diminishes. Clutter is no longer stealing away your energy. The result: you are free to be creative and productive!