7 Reasons Women Pilots Say the Beech Bonanza is the Sexiest Airplane Ever – It’s Not What You Think

7 Reasons Women Pilots Say the Beech Bonanza is the Sexiest Airplane Ever – It’s Not What You Think

The first Beechcraft Bonanza was introduced back in 1947. Now in 2009 a version of the famous Bonanza is still being built by Hawker Beechcraft. This makes the Bonanza the longest-running production airplane in history. Over 17,000 Bonanzas of the different version have been built.

There’s a reason the Bonanza has withstood the test of time. Every pilot has dreamed of flying a Bonanza.

I remember the first time my son flew a Bonanza solo from South Carolina to Pennsylvania to see his grandmother. It was a very happy day in his life. He said that after flying a Bonanza enough to get checked out in it for a cross-country trip, he finally felt like he was a real pilot.

While men pilots think of flying a Bonanza as a status symbol, women pilots think of the Bonanza as – one very sexy airplane.

The famous Beech Bonanza has everything women pilots think is sexy. Here are the seven most common things women think are sexy about a Bonanza:

1. It’s fast — some of them cruise at over 200 mph.

2. It’s not your common airplane — which is another way of saying it’s a rare bird.

3. It’s classy with sleek styling.

4. It’s a dream to fly. As many women pilots say, “When you’re flying a Beechcraft Bonanza, you’re in complete control of a lot of power.” You can’t experience this feeling in any situation when you’re not flying and in fact, you can’t experience it when you’re flying any other airplane.

5. When you land and step out of a Beechcraft Boanaza you have immediate status as a true pilot and a women who is in control.

6. Women pilots are good business people and they know that when you buy a good quality Beech Bonanza, it’s a solid investment that is more fun than any other investment.

7. Finally, flying a Beech Bonanza is just plain fun. It’s one of the most wonderful feelings on earth (or should I say above the earth).

The good news for pilots is that now Beech Bonanza airplanes are selling at unheard of low prices. Check eBay and search the Internet and you just might find one of these incredible values for yourself.

If flying a Bonanza is so wonderful, imagine the thrill of owning your very own Beachcraft Bonanza. It’s like owning a piece of history.

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