7 Terrible Mistakes Which Will Keep You From Succeeding With Women! Know This Before It’s Too Late

7 Terrible Mistakes Which Will Keep You From Succeeding With Women! Know This Before It’s Too Late

Are you frustrated because you just don’t seem to nail your women no matter what you do? The reason for your failure could be because you are going about it the wrong way. No matter how “nice” you are, you still have to go about wooing a woman in the right way. Check out the following and see if you have been committing these mistakes.

Coming on too strongly

Men that pursue a woman without stopping to think if they are coming on too strong are the ones that will be left standing out in the cold. Stop trying too hard to get your woman and stop doing all the chasing. Let them try and get your number for a change. Subtlety is the key and will bring results.

Treating her like she can do nothing wrong

This type of treatment would mean that you are constantly putting your woman on a pedestal and treating her like she was a goddess. This will not only give your woman a huge ego but will cause her to treat you as someone “less” worthy of her attentions. Wise up and treat her like a human being.

Treating your woman like a sexual object

Don’t treat your woman like she is on the planet just to cater to your sexual whims and fancies. No woman likes to be treated like a sexual object and would naturally start hating you because you are being insensitive to her real needs. Treat her like a person who has so much more to offer than just her body.

Using tricks and “pick-up” strategies

Some men are so insecure and scared of rejection that they try too hard to compensate their lack of confidence by trying out every trick in the book to pick up a woman. This will fail to bring you real success with a woman because you are not being your true self and it will just be a matter of time before your true self emerges and your woman wises up.

Trying to date only women with great looks and bodies

Men that are on the look out for women with perfect “ten” bodies and sexy looks will soon be disillusioned once the woman’s true character is discovered. Of course they can get lucky and get both – but looking for a woman that vibes with you both physically and mentally will most probably end in a long term relationship. Looks are not enough.

Wrong body language

Women have the uncanny knack of reading your character just by the way you walk, talk, stand or even sit! Their intuition proves right most of the time and unconsciously women tend to check out the men by reading their body language. Men who come across as needy or without any confidence can pay a heavy price.

Being scared to try again

Men who have been rejected before are scared of trying again in case of being dumped again. This is the worst attitude to have. Use your past experiences as learn from your mistakes and endeavor to be successful.