9 Important Factors to Consider While Selecting a WordPress Hosting

9 Important Factors to Consider While Selecting a WordPress Hosting

WordPress has become an inevitable part of any blogger’s life. So, choosing the host provider for WordPress is as important as your blog. If you do not make the right choice, there are high chances that all your blogs/contents go in vain. Also, it is necessary that, you make an informed decision rather than just choosing it just because your friend chose it. We know that, almost every Host provider gives innumerable choices, resources and attractive packages. However, it is in our hands to see through the offers that they provide and choose wisely. Here are few things that you need to keep in mind, before choosing a WordPress Host provider.

1) Price:

Anything that is economic, attracts us. We ultimately end up buying the cheaper product/service. However, you should not jump into a conclusion of choosing a provider on the basis of price alone. There are chances that cheaper services may not be of great quality and satisfy your requirements. Also, it does not necessarily mean that the big name providers are always suitable. Check all the features and the offers of all the providers and later compare the prices. This will help you to take a better decision.

2) Preference:

It is a known fact that, each WP host provider, offers a variety of services and differs in characteristics. Not all the providers give what you want. You might have a set of requirements or preferences which matches with only some of the host providers. This way, you can easily shortlist the host providers.

3) Free WP hosting:

Free WP hosting is a great chance for new comers where they can share the server space with someone else for free. To start with, it is good. However, in a long run it is not recommended. Usually, the person/forum that provides the free server space will not be reliable. There are chances of them putting their own ads without your knowledge. Also, they might add some unnecessary text or images that will have no connection with your website. These services are highly unreliable as the free hosting can stop at any point and the sad thing is that you can’t even question the individual or the forum about it. Thus, if you are really serious about page or website, do not opt free hosting services.

4) Customer Reviews and feedbacks:

This factor is something you have to be very careful about. Nowadays, there are high chances of faking reviews in social media. So, try to read as many reviews as possible. Post questions in forums like Quora and get to know the honest reviews and feedbacks. Check if the host providers will get back to you in 24 hours in case of any query or issues. This will help you in a great scale.

5) Load Time/Speed:

Currently, almost 90% of the providers provide 99% up-time. However, there are only a handful of providers that load your pages in very few milliseconds. So, you have to go for providers that assure and provide speed.

6) Support and responsiveness:

Providing support and being available always is something you have to look for. Not all the companies are approachable and available 24/7/365. So, when you choose, look for the platforms that can be contacted via various means like phone, email, chat and ticket submission.

7) User Interface:

This is something inevitable. When you choose a host provider, it should be in such a way that you don’t call them every step in your setting up process. The user interface and the dashboard must be easy to use.

8) Backups and restoration:

Backups have become a crucial part of any host provider. Also, it must be easy to restore data easily. So, see to that, the host provider you choose allows automated backups and single click restoration.

9) Security:

Make sure your provider notifies you in case of security threats (hacking) and also a high standard security system that monitors your site time and again.

Now that you have some idea on how to choose a WP host provider, it is you who has to make the final move.