My Opinion About Life

My Opinion About Life

A famous philosopher once said,

“Life is too deep for words,

So don’t try to describe it,

Just Live It.”

I agree to his opinion. Life is not such a sort of word which can be described in alphabets. It needs volumes and volumes to explain Life. Many Philosophers, Scholars and Literary Personalities have tried their level best to define life. Some say life is like fire, some say it’s like an ice-cream. A very famous Greek Philosopher Hericulates says,

“Life is the name of war,

This war makes a common man,

a King or a Slave.”

Similarly, Carl Sandburg says,

“Life is like an onion:

You peel it off one layer at a time,

and sometimes you weep.”

So, this was a brief glimpse to the views of some great people about life.

Now I would like to introduce you with my own opinion and idea about life.

Life is like a blend of different shades and colors. It has a lot of faces. We can’t have a single opinion about it. If we look at it from one point of view or observe its face from one side, it appears to us very pleasant and enjoyable. But at the same time, its opposite side is very ugly and sad. I take these different shades of life similar to the four seasons of year i-e. Spring, Summer, Winter and Autumn and divide the life span of a person in four periods.

The Spring, which is a very life giving season, is actually the Childhood period of men’s life. About spring someone has said,

“Spring unlocks the laughing

beauty of Nature.”

The childhood of a person is very innocent, without any sort of worries and tensions and hence it is very bright and is, therefore, the Spring of Life.

The Summer, although with its blazing warmth and scorching heat still gives vigor and zeal to life. The teenage duration is also very adventurous and one uses all his abilities either in the right or wrong direction. In other words, it is very enthusiastic period of life.

Next one is Winter season which due to its coldness brings fadedness to one’s life. The duration of life aging from 30’s to the boundary of old age is a natural period in which the charms of life began to vanish. But still in this period of age, a little struggle and enthusiasm remains the companion of an individual.

Autumn season which is a symbol of gloominess and sadness is the representative of late old age of a person when he just passes his days of life like a flickering flame of candle which is on the mercy of blowing winds. All his emotions turn cold and silently wait for the closing of his chapter of life and thinks keenly on this point that

“Our lives are like a candle in the wind.”

So, this was all which I have experienced yet about life. My opinion about life, either it is right or wrong, is very close to the reality which I have observed from my surroundings. It however changes with the mood of a person, if you are happy i-e. everything is going as per your plan then life seems to be a silky piece of fabric which folds the way you do but if it doesn’t favor you then you feel autumn around you, your mood your likes/dislikes change accordingly.

I believe that if a person watches only his own way in life and avoids any overlap of fortune with others (which is very difficult) he will conquer his life and steer it any way he wants. Jealousy is the key that unlocks the negative competition instead race among fellows and suddenly spring changes to autumn. Childhood is spring because the factor of jealousy is not into play, a child doesn’t know to be jealous.

Life is a word having meaning as wide as the depth of oceans and the grains of sand on the shores of seas. So, to say that this is the ultimate reality or meaning of life would be totally wrong. Paper can be ended and inks can be finished but the true meaning of life can never be defined.