Perceptions, Priorities, And Prejudices: America’s Current Enemy

Perceptions, Priorities, And Prejudices: America’s Current Enemy

While the incumbent, President of the United States, successfully campaigned, in 2016, using the slogan, Make America Great Again, it seems, to many, that message was far, more focused, on dividing this nation, than unifying us, and/ or, maintaining our greatness! Let’s refer to these, as the 3 P’s of weakening our country, because, when, politicians appear to skew/ falsely state priorities, provide and feed perceptions (rather than proceeding in a relevant manner), and articulate a message, based on false/ empty promises, and rhetoric (focused on pitting people, against each others), America, and Americans, are the losers! While, it is true, we live in challenging, (somewhat) scary times, with far too much terrorism, hatred, and bigotry/ prejudice, instead of seeking some magic elixir, and taking the path, of least resistance, wouldn’t it make sense, we would all benefit, if our public officials, sought viable solutions, based on effectiveness, relevance, and sustainability, instead of their personal/ political agenda, and self – interest? In light of that, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, this concept, and see, what it would really mean, if we elected individuals, who, truly, wanted to make a difference, for the better.

1. Perceptions: In the words of the singer/ songwriter, Paul Simon, One man’s ceiling is another man’s floor. How can we seek, any meaningful, meeting – of – the – mind, for the common good, when, many individuals, possess, such diverse perceptions, of what that means, and represents? There may be, no better example, of this, than how different people, perceive, President Donald Trump, and his intentions, directions, and focus. Whether it’s what his Southern Wall, means and represents, and his immigration policy/ rhetoric, the Mueller/ Russia investigation, economic measures/ tax plan priorities, etc, Trump’s supporters (especially his core followers/ supporters), seem to believe everything he says (even when it has clearly been demonstrated, to be false, or misleading), while his opponents, question his motives, immediately!

2. Priorities: If we can’t agree on what is needed, how can there be any agreement, regarding the necessary priorities? Is quality health care, and coverage, a right, or a privilege, and/ or both? Is the Wall, a priority, or, merely Trump’s political symbol, to motivate and inspire, his core supporters, for personal/ political advantage, and self – interest? Should the President, be, above – the – law, or a sterling example, for others, to look, up, to? Whose priorities, should be the national priority, and can voters, differentiate, between rhetoric, and viable, pragmatic/ idealistic, solutions?

3. Prejudices/ bias: How can, America, be great, if we abandon, the premise, All men are created equal? Without the protections, rights, and freedoms, of our Constitution, what does our nation, end up, representing? If/ when, the President, or any public official, articulate a message, filled with apparent prejudice, and/ or, bias, the public is influenced, in an oppositional manner, rather than seeking, cooperation, and greater representative democracy!

Wake up, America, and consider, the long – term, best – interests, relevance, and sustainability, of our nation. The United States, doesn’t need, to try to be great, again, because, it will always be great, if we remain loyal, to the concepts of freedoms, liberty, and justice, for all, and setting the example, for the rest of the world!