Regaining Political Control: Will Democrats Use A Successful Strategy?

Regaining Political Control: Will Democrats Use A Successful Strategy?

Under ordinary circumstances, when any President, could brag about the quality of the American economy, he would be considered, an, almost, shoo – in, for being reelected! However, as most realize, these are anything, but normal times! On the other hand, when an incumbent has such low favorable ratings, as President Trump, you might think it’s easy, to regain control of the White House. But, once again, we are going through, a very unusual, period of time. While we might expect, Mr. Trump, to continue campaigning, for reelection in 2020, as he has, during his well – attended rallies, by using lots of rhetoric, making numerous claims, often, instilling fears, by blaming immigrants, etc, it is far less certain, precisely, what might be the Democratic Party’s plan/ strategy, to defeat this President, while simultaneously, gaining control of the U.S. Senate, and maintaining their majority, in the House of Representatives. With that in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, some of their options.

1. Focus on Trump: Although, most polls, indicate, potential voters, oppose many of Mr. Trump’s policies, actions, rhetoric, etc, and, there continues, to be, mistrust, based on the numerous, reported activities of his campaign, and those around him (as well as other potential scandals), the strength and loyalty of the President’s core supporter/ base, as well as the layout of the Electoral College, makes it uncertain, if one, can be elected, simply by opposing an incumbent, especially with the advantages, most incumbents have, in campaigning!

2. Out – Progressive, each other: How far to the political left, does the electorate, want, the Democrats, to move? Will nominating, someone, considered, far, left – of – center, drive away independent voters, and more moderate individuals? Won’t this make it easy for Trump, who would undoubtedly, use rhetoric, and negative slogans, and other scare tactics, to convince these voters, they should be scared to vote for them?

3. Maintaining progressive voters: When Hillary Clinton was nominated, many of Bernie Sanders’ most ardent supporters, either did not vote, voted for one of the minor candidates, or cast their votes, for Donald Trump! If Sanders, does not get the nomination, will we see this again? Which candidate, or candidates, might be attractive to these individuals, while appealing to more moderate people, also?

4. Women voters: How might women react, to the rhetoric of this President, and the apparent, anti – choice, policies, and ideas? Will there be a better than usual, turnout? How can Democrats, attract these voters, without taking them, for granted, and avoiding, being an, one – issue, party/ campaign?

5. Minorities: Will the rhetoric of hate and blame, bring minorities, out, in greater numbers, than usual, or, will, it attract and inspire, the people, Ms. Clinton, referred to, as the Deplorables, to go the polls?

6. Age: How big a factor will age, be? Since 3 of the leading (in the polls), Democratic candidates, are about 70, or older, as is President Trump, will age be a factor? Do the voters want someone younger? Would someone, less identified, with the status quo, or younger, have more appeal?

7. What’s the plan – What do they represent?: Do voters want to hear a different vision, which addresses, needs, perceptions, priorities, and, is relevant and sustainable? How will they balance the need to pay attention to climate change issues, while showing a better way, to address the economic, job – related, and health care needs, of our citizens?

8. Health care: Is Medicare For All, appealing to potential voters, or will it scare them away, because of the unknowns, such as costs, how it might work, etc?

9. Regaining control of Congress: Unless/ until, Democrats also control both houses of Congress, how will things, really change, for the better? This will require a district – by – district, state – by – state, battle, with ideas, and viable solutions, to restore the many threatened American Constitutional guarantees, such as freedoms, justice, and liberty, for all!

There’s no easy question to this topic. Balancing politics, common sense, and empathy, will be a necessity, to do so!