Christian Life Balance Is Crucial to Your Business – Learn Why

Christian Life Balance Is Crucial to Your Business – Learn Why

In this article, I will introduce concepts and principles that are crucial to obtaining a successful work and life balance. Research has shown that there are many advantages both for business and families when a work-life balance is established.

Work-life balance advantages: employees

A good work-life balance can enable employees to feel more in control of their working life and lead to:

• increased productivity

• lower absenteeism

• a happier, less stressed workforce

• improvements in employee health and well-being

• greater employee loyalty, commitment, and motivation

• a reduction in staff turnover and recruitment costs

Work-balance advantages: families

The benefits of a work-life balance are not confined to just the workforce. A well placed balanced work-life policies can also benefit families and lead to:

• the ability to establish quality time with God

• time to meet family responsibilities

• improved relationships (husband, wife, children, family, and friends)

• able to share important moments in your child’s life

• reduced family stress

• greater quality time with family and self

• react to changing market conditions more effectively and meet customer demands

Before you begin the journey to healthy more balanced lifestyle, you must ask yourself this fundamental question. Whom do you trust to define what constitutes a “balanced -life”? Is it society mandates, teachers, spouse, family, friends, co-workers, bosses, church members, television commercial, or self? From personal experiences, I can say that all the above variables (even if with good attention) can lead you to miss the mark of obtaining a balanced Christian work-life style.

While all truth is God’s truth, the Scripture is the final authority for health, wholeness, and balance. It is only when individuals are in good physical, mental, emotional, social and spiritual condition they are said to be living a balanced and healthy life. Of course, this must begin with being a follower of Jesus Christ. If you are a follower of Jesus Christ, ask the Holy Spirit to guide you to these truths. If not, but want to be a follower of Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, take this time and opportunity to ask Him into your life.

Along these lines, a few inquiries must be considered. Would you be able to be mentally, emotionally and socially healthy while lacking God’s guidance? Can you function the way God intended you to function without being rightly related to Jesus Christ? No!

Viable Applications for a Balanced Life

Here are seven “practical areas” needed to achieve the critical work-life balance. Initially, you must develop the harmony between the different dimensions of our lives:

1) You need Christian spiritual doctrine balance between the: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Including balance in our intake of God’s Word, balanced prayer, adoration, confession, thanksgiving, supplication, and Christian discipleship.

2) You need balance socially: family, friends, co-workers, church family, neighbors, and others.

3) You require balance in your finances: Being a good steward of what God has given us.

4) You need balance in your vocational endeavors: Colossians 3:23-24 New International Version (NIV) 23 Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters. 24 since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward.

It is the Lord Christ you are serving.

5) You need a psychological balance between the: Mind, Will, and Emotions

6) You must adjust the balance in your physical lives: Rest, Exercise, Creativity, and Recreation.

While this is only a short list of area that should be considered. Please feel free to add any area that you think is knocking you out of balance.

Here are seven “functional realities” required to accomplish the critical work-life balance that we yearn to achieve. The first (and most important) step is to fix your eyes on the Word and will of God.

1. Love God first and foremost: with all your heart, mind, soul and strength.

2. Focus on the things of God

3. Maintain your spiritual fervor. Share your faith.

4. Wholeheartedness – Whatever your task, do it for God with all your heart.

5. Listen and speaking – be quick to hear and slow to speak.

6. Trust in God – everything God does in worthy of our trust.

7. Commitment to God – in all your ways trust and acknowledge God.

8. Fellowship with God – apart from Christ we can do nothing.

Here are seven “down to earth steps” needed to achieve the crucial work-life balance that we all long for. This “practical steps” questions were designed to help you take a closer at you. Like any journey, you must have a starting point.

1. What items do you need to consider in becoming more balanced?

2. What is my weakest link? Such as, lack of time management, overindulging, or laziness to name a few.

3. What health principles do I need to learn and implement?

4. Where is my life the most out of balance?

5. What is the single most crucial step that I can take right now?

6. What spiritual truth am I breaking that I need to follow?

7. When am I going to start the journey to become more in balance?

8. What strategies will ensure my success? Such as, seeking out a counselor, redefining what’s essential, alleviating bad habits, and so on.

By beginning with a single strategic step and proceeding to enhance an everyday schedule, you’ll be en-route to creating a meaningful “work-life” balance.

Key Scriptures:

Offering and asking forgiveness – Ephesians 4:32; Acts 24:16

Living a joy-filled life -John 10:10b and 15:11

Healthy and loving relationships – John 13:34, 35; Romans 12:16

Personal spiritual well-being – 3 John 2

Developing a grace-based self-concept – Romans 12:3; 2 Corinthians 5:7

Discovering God’s purpose for your life – 2 Corinthians 5:15

While nobody ever accomplished perfect balance in this lifetime, as you understand this biblical principle you can, however, seek to follow the example of Jesus Christ in the manner that he, “He matured and developed in wisdom and stature and favor with God and man” – Luke 2:52).