Why Even Celebrities Endorse the South Beach Diet – A Food For Thought

Why Even Celebrities Endorse the South Beach Diet – A Food For Thought

The world is used to celebrity promotions, from politics, to clothing and everything in between. What is different when they promote a diet plan is that weight control is part and parcel to their careers. Most celebs need to maintain their trim, toned bodies as a part of their job. Packing on the pounds, will cause headlines proclaiming a weight gain nightmare for a starlet. Because their weight loss and fitness programs are a requirement to maintain their image, this is one endorsement where they are actually practicing what they preach.

What diet is the favorite of some of the celebs? The answer is the South Beach Diet and the reason is because they experience great results. Troy Aikman (of Dallas Cowboys fame) claims, “It worked for me, I’ve lost 10 pounds. It’s been good”. The reason the South Beach Diet is the one diet plan selected by so many celebrities is because it provides quick weight loss results and promotes a lifetime of healthy eating. Outlining a plan for successfully losing weight, the South Beach Diet does not permanently remove any one food group. Instead, the diet regimen prescribes a methodology for selecting good carbohydrates versus bad carbohydrates. There are good fats, which are allowable, and bad fats, which must be avoided.

So, what celebrities are South Beach Diet followers? Nicole Kidman is one, along with Oprah Winfrey, Bill Clinton, Lorna Luft, Bette Midler and Kim Cattrall of “Sex in the City” fame. Each of these individuals claimed great results from adhering to the weight loss plan. Kim Cattrall has publicly added that she follows the South Beach Diet and adds exercise to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Unbelievably, Bill Clinton has said good-bye to his burger-binging days of old, and has lost a reported thirty-five pounds with his commitment to this weight loss program. Lorna Luft (daughter of Judy Garland) claimed the South Beach Diet as the one she used to lose weight.

South Beach” was the response when Health Magazine’s Robin Vitetta-Miller responded to questions about Nicole Kidman’s weight control program. She added, “You have a nice balance of high-quality protein and complex carbs, and you are likely to stay with the diet for the rest of your life.”

Oprah Winfrey’s battle with weight loss has been roller coaster ride that all of American has watched for years. Now, it seems, the outspoken celeb has found her plan, the one that she’ll keep using for weight control for the remainder of her lifetime. And the plan she has chosen is the South Beach Diet.

Some of these celebrities are rather notorious for saying whatever is on their minds. It is well known that being displayed on television adds weight just because of the media used. How “fat” the celebrity appears when viewed is of the foremost considerations when planning a show. Maintaining body weight is one of the utmost priorities. Failing to project “the image” has sabotaged careers (remember Kirstie Alley of “Cheers” fame?).

When you consider that the celebrity’s financial future is directly tied to their appearance, then you can readily accept that they truly believe in the weight loss regimens they promote. The South Beach Diet has gained not only acceptance, but is touted by celebs as their weight loss method for life. The healthy lifestyle approach of the South Beach Diet is workable around any career. It can be followed when dining in restaurants or when travelling. It does not involve purchasing hard to find products. Everything you need for losing weight with this plan is at the neighborhood grocers. Your diet regimen will include a wide variety of choices from all of the food groups. This makes the South Beach Diet very portable – you can use it wherever you go. That’s an important issue to Hollywood celebrities who travel all over the world.

Bette Midler, songstress and actress, was astonished at the great resulting weight loss on the South Beach Diet. She purports to have lost a pound a day. It is rumored that she relayed she would be on track for a healthy lifestyle if she could develop a regular exercise regimen to go with her weight reduced body. Linda Silver, a Los Angeles based beauty guru states, “I did it (South Beach) and it really works. I lost 14 pounds in two weeks and better than that I had no desire for sugar, bread or carbs. It works”. With endorsements from California to Washington DC, it’s no wonder that so many people are talking about the amazing weight loss results of this plan.

In basic terms, the reason why the South Beach Diet works so well is that it is based on the science of metabolic function. It prescribes to the limiting of foods that increase blood glucose levels. Weight loss occurs when calories burned exceed caloric intake. The faster the rate food metabolizes, the quicker the calories are burned. High blood sugar levels mean lower metabolic rates. Eliminate the foods that are known to cause high blood glucose levels and you’ll eliminate the excess weight. Add exercise to the diet regiment, the metabolism will speed up even more. Then take the science and formulate a plan that is easy to follow and can work for a lifetime. That’s the South Beach Diet.

To obtain endorsements from such a wide variety of celebrities for a diet program, it must work and there must be good scientific principles backing the weight loss plan. The South Beach Diet works because the foundation of the regimen prescribed is scientific. When celebrities like Oprah Winfrey say a weight loss program works, she means it. We can believe them because we can watch them as they are losing weight. The Bill Clinton seen of late is a much leaner, trimmer man than the one who left the White House. Bette Midler looks absolutely svelte on stage these days. From politicians to starlets, sports celebs and talk show hosts, the South Beach Diet is the claim to their losing weight and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.