A Life Journey of an Effective Single Mom

A Life Journey of an Effective Single Mom

I was raised in a church-going family of three children. My parents were too busy working and there was not much time for family bonding to ask personal questions. As you know, young people have all kinds of questions going through their heads. We tried to look for our own answers and searched in the wrong direction. Over the years, we children became difficult to manage, and one after the other got into problems.

I became rebellious as a teenager. It was not long before I got involved in drinking and smoking. I did not go to church anymore. I was attracted into sexual relationships and I became pregnant by a young man who did not want to marry me.

I knew there was a God, and I also believed that Jesus Christ died for all our sins, but I did not know how to apply this knowledge to my personal life. Neither had anybody ever told me that this was necessary in order to become a Christian. I was never taught that one needed to accept Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour. I thought being a churchgoer was enough. Sad to say, I became entangled in gross sin.

Here I was, stuck, with no way out, and nowhere to go.

My parents decided to send me far away here for my pregnancy to keep it secret to other friends and relatives until I delivered the baby. All this time, I had struggled with it by myself.

Shortly after the birth, I became so desperate I wanted to end it all. But my family were so amazed and blessed when they saw my little baby girl so adorable and cute. And I was loved by everybody, but that did not change the fact that I was single with a baby. Often I cried, thinking that I would never be able to find a nice young man who would want to be my husband.

Four years after, my daughter attended nursery school. Her teacher was proud and surprised by her performance and talented skills. She can sing, dance, draw, actively participate and answers the question in relation to Mathematics. She was a great blessing! God has given me this child as a miracle. I got saved and accepted the Lord Jesus as my Saviour. I started to attend Church again every Sundays. And thank God for His blessings.

I continued my studies and graduated with a Degree of Bachelor of Science in Accountancy. I got my first job and raised my daughter with my parents’ guidance and loving support on how to be an effective Mother to my child, not when they both died due to Diabetes (no cure for this kind of sickness). As the eldest of siblings, I took the full responsibilities of my parents for us to survive.

I had no choice but to accept that they have left us. Again, I kept on blaming myself why it happened. I can’t move forward because of sorrow and pain in my heart that I felt.

I struggled to look for a stable job to support my child’s education, basic needs and wants. Finally, after long waits and follow-ups, I availed the next-of-kin program for children of former bank employees (my father was a retired bank employee). An opportunity to join a Bank Institution is a privilege. I was first assigned as a bank teller and attended training and advancements. After a year and a half, I was transferred to Loans Department which allowed me to broaden my own skills, experience and additional knowledge for another six years. I can foresee myself working with the Bank for many more years. However, I realized I have other priorities to consider. My daughter as a teenager became wild and uncontrollable. She kept secrets and dishonest to me about everything. Due to working too long hours in the Bank even weekends and holidays, I have no time for bonding with her. So, I decided to leave my stable job just to be a full-time Mother and a Father to my only daughter. It is one of the most difficult moves I have to make for I have already established a good working relationship with my colleague and already familiar with my job.

Many invitations offered me to join or apply for employment but still, I have to consider how to manage and divide my time. Not until one day, my co-siblings introduced to me to apply for an online home-based job as a Virtual Assistant. Jumping into a new career is a crucial part of the process. The Lord has wonderful surprises. He will make a way. He will answer your prayer. He will look after you. God is always at my side. This encouragement made my decision to take the opportunity and to develop more and enhance my skills; a comprehensive Virtual Assistant Training helped me to become more efficient.

It’s wonderful that the Lord’s ways and the nightmare had ended. God turned my night into day, my crying into laughter, my despair into relief and my sorrow into joy. Now, I am ready with confidence to start having potential clients and so grateful to have a brighter future together with my daughter.