Personal/ Political Agenda, Or Common Good?

Personal/ Political Agenda, Or Common Good?

How often have you heard, some politician or elected official, claim, they will serve their constituents, and focus on what’s best, yet, their actions appear, primarily based on their personal/ political agenda, and self – interest? It reminds me of the famous line, from the movie, Network, when the protagonist screams, I’m sick and tired, and not going to take it any more! In over four decades of involvement in politics, and having worked on several campaigns, I believe, we are presently experiencing, less service to others, and more focus on their self – interests! Why do so many people, continue to support an individual, even after it should become obvious, the elected official, has played them, and fails to keep his word, time – after – time? With that in mind, this article will attempt to briefly, consider, review, examine, and discuss, some of the reasons, our political system, seems so dysfunctional, and so many politicians, continue to disappoint us!

1. Political points – of – view, differ, but examine the character: Chris Matthews is a political analyst and commentator, famous for hosting the show, Hardball. He has worked closely, with former, Speaker of the House, Tip O’Neill, as well as President Jimmy Carter, written several political books, and hosted his show, for decades. One of his earliest books, was about the relationship between President Ronald Reagan, and Speaker O’Neill, who disagreed, politically, on nearly every political issue, but, maintained a friendly, personal relationship, anyway. He discusses, how, even on days, when they had vigorous political debates, on an issue, they often met, in the West Wing, of the White House, in the evening, and socialized. Isn’t that something, we seem to be lacking, today? When the current President, Donald Trump, is involved, this desirable interface, seems to be lacking. In my opinion, it is because, when the personal rhetoric, used by Trump, often attacks an opponent, friendship, and potential trust, is severely hindered. Why would any of the President’s political opponents, desire any personal relationship? When we combine this vitriol (instead of conversation/ discussion), is combined with, what fact – checkers claim, is an unheard – of, level of lying and misstatements, it demonstrates, how character becomes a significant factor!

2. Differentiating issues, versus rhetoric/ promises, etc: The obvious example of how the President and his opponents, seem to achieve, so little, of a constructive nature, is in the issue, of immigration. While most agree and recognize, there must be immigration reform/ changes, and better policies, to achieve border security (for safety reasons), Trump’s focus on his Wall, appears focused on appealing to his core supporters/ political base, rather than creating a truly better system. Nearly every security expert states, the wall, would be an ineffective, expensive (both to build and maintain), symbol, and better digital, technical, etc, methods, would be more cost – effective, and productive. Because of the inability for these politicians to negotiate, in good faith, for the common good, rather than posture, we have witnessed, the longest partial government shutdown, in our history.

We all must demand better, and vote out the bums! Wake up, America, because if you don’t do so, this nation, might change, in an entirely undesirable way!