Now Is the Time To Break Into the US Market and Sell Your Products and Services

Now Is the Time To Break Into the US Market and Sell Your Products and Services

Some have said that the Trump Administration has made the US an unfriendly place to do business for foreign companies. The political opposition says that the threat of tariffs and trade wars causes uncertainty in global markets and is not good for the US economy. Those who call themselves 'traditional free traders' have sided with Trump's political opposition, at least temporarily. Personally, I see just the opposite.

First, I see more foreign money coming into the US market to seize the opportunities of low corporate tax rates, and as a way to avoid potential tariffs. Further, I see temporary tariffs as a shot over the bow that the US will not be played with unbalanced trade agreements or lack of fair trade agreements. These temporary trade tariffs will bring billions into the US government's coffers while trade negotiations happen, and our foreign counterparts will rush back to the table to renegotiate with more favorable terms. No international company wants to skip the US Market, it's too big, and there is far too much money here.

Why Should Companies Move Operations to the US and Establish Themselves Here?

The United States of America is the largest consumer market on the planet. In 2016 and then again in 2017 the US consumer market alone was near 13 Trillion Dollars, and that does not account for another Trillion or two in unreported sales – cash transactions in the underground economy, which includes everything from a kid's lemon aid stand or house maid to a handyman remodeling a kitchen. And, realize at 13-15 Trillion, this is only the "consumer economy" and has nothing to do with what businesses spend or the US government spends annually.

The Federal Government, not including state governments or local governments, has a budget of $ 4 Trillion. State Governments total an estimated $ 2 Trillion and all the local governments combined also near $ 2 Trillion. The total government spending for fiscal year 2018 is estimated to be around $ 7.5 Trillion. Guess how much US businesses spend in 2017? It's so huge no one can figure it out, it's so mind-boggling that it makes the rest of the world's economies look like child's play. Did you know that 2018 business spending is already on course for a 7% increase, even with a so-called trade war scare?

The United States is not only the largest consumer economy by far, but it is the largest for government and business spending as well, and second place is not even close. If you are not in the US Market selling your goods and services you are missing out. Are you ready to go for it? If so, there are plenty of US based international business consultants here who are ready and willing to help get you set up. Here are some of the things you'll need to enter the greatest market in human history;

  • Business Plan
  • Marketing Plan
  • Set Up Books – Accounting
  • Business Name Registration
  • Business License Acquisition
  • Business / Commercial Insurance
  • Website with email addresses
  • Tax Strategy and Tax Planning
  • Set Up Books – Bookkeeping / Accounting
  • Business Location and Rental / Lease Negotiation
  • Business Corporation Formation
  • Setting Up Bank Accounts (Business Checking)
  • Start-up Business Coaching
  • Start-up Marketing Consulting

If you own a business that sells internationally, you'll now need a US base of operations, and you'll be wise, very wise to do it sooner than later to take advantage of this booming economy.