Japanese Mythology – The Legend of Issun Boshi

Japanese Mythology – The Legend of Issun Boshi

One of the most famous myths of Ancient Japan is that of Issun Boshi, or “Little One Inch,” as his name translates to.

Boshi’s parents had been married several years without being able to conceive, and after many years of frustration they prayed at a local shrine for divine assistance. They would be happy with any child, they claimed in their prayer, even if the child was only as big as a finger. The gods were pleased with their humility, and decided to grant their wish.

Though Boshi is the subject of several legends, he is most associated with a story that took place when he was fifteen years old. Wanting to visit Kyoto, the capital of Japan, he set out with his sword (in reality a needle), a bowl of rice, and a set of chopsticks. These items soon came in handy- upon encountering a river, he sat down in his rice bowl, and using his chopsticks as a pair of oars, promptly waded across the river.

Upon reaching the city, Boshi was lucky to find employment in the house of a wealthy family. He was a dedicated guard and servant, and became a favorite to the family. One day, accompanying the daughter to a prayer shrine, two oni (ogres) attacked the pair. Despite his size, Boshi bravely jumped in front of the daughter to protect her, and one of the oni swallowed him whole. From inside the monster’s stomach, Boshi took out his needle and stabbed away at the ogre’s gut. The monster spit him out in disgust, and Boshi climbed into the face of the other oni. Boshi stabbed away at the beast’s eye, and the two oni ran away in a panic, leaving behind a magic mallet that they had stolen from an earlier victim.

The daughter picked up the mallet and struck it on the ground. Instantly, the God of Luck appeared, willing to grant her one wish. Still impressed by the bravery of her defender, she wished for Boshi to be restored to full size. Pleased with the selflessness of her wish, the God of Luck clapped his hands and vanished into the air.

Boshi, now full-sized, brought the daughter home, and they were soon married, with the blessing of her parents. He enlisted as a soldier, and because of his bravery and cunning, became a famous samurai. Though he would be the subject of many more legends, he is most famously known as the one-inch-man who drove off two oni with only a needle!