Sex Is Not Evil Outside of Religions

Sex Is Not Evil Outside of Religions

While the debate rages about homosexuals and their desire to marry and be equal under the law, religious fundamentalists, blinded by their indoctrination into myths, oppose them. Those myths are from Babylon and the chief God of that city, Mary, is the origin of the term 'marry'. The name means 'mother's powerful eye', which is the sun and it is the main God of all religions. Men considered they could 'marry' Mary and become stars in the sky, a dream that many still hold dear.

Humanity enterprises a majority of nations with deep fundamental dreams of this type and they are prevalent where countries are dominated by religious forces. Tribal groups can easily accept the dogma put out by missionaries who seek converts to make their religions more powerful. Tricks, violence, and threats are in their arsenal. Behind their success is the general need to succeed and be saved.

Sex is the string used to pull people into congregations because it is the focus of most, especially the young. It is, therefore, outlawed and conditions attached to it include that of marriage and belonging to the religion that encourages them.

The indoctrination implications guilt if one engages in it before the ritual is performed, but that is the point. Rituals are conducted by officials who do not act for the real God, the Spirit of the Universe.

My reincarnation memory and knowledge that there is no heaven or hell led me on a life-long search to find the roots of the belief systems that are the major forces in people's lives. When called upon by the Spirit to tear down the wall of deceit that separates truth from fiction the identity of the second beast of Revelation was shown to me.

He is Constantine and he established the Catholic Church in 325. He was compelled to make Mary the Mother of God because of 'her' standing in the Roman world. From east to west the Mother God is featured in rock art from long before the last Ice Age. She is depressed giving birth to animals and humans as the Mother of all Living.

The emperor made her Mother of God and put up the image of Jesus Christ as the so-called Son-of-God and by this act he made the real God into the devil. He also possessed his religion the power over all people who were then targeted and victimized into converting to it.

Because it has no power under the Spirit anything it does or says is a false doctrine. It has used sex as its draw-card and while its practices claim that they married to Mary they are doing the work of 666. In the real world sex is not evil and it is a God-given right to reproduce the species, as it is for all animals.