Natural Detox Diets For Long Term Health

Natural Detox Diets For Long Term Health

With so many chemicals in everything we eat, it is quite difficult to keep all the junk out of our systems and only eat the health stuff. The good news is that even after consuming unhealthy food, although many toxins stay in our bodies for a while, it is always possible to get rid of them. For clearer skin, increased energy, and better health overall detoxification diets are becoming increasingly popular. The idea is that these diets flush the system specifically, the liver, kidneys and colon of toxins that are received through a normal diet. Most detox diets typically last anywhere from one week to a month but for increased health overall, these diets can offer some great lifestyle advice to anyone, even those not committing to a full detox diet. Considering the number of chemicals in fast food, junk food, and even food and drink that may seem healthy, like milk for instance, toxins should be methodically flushed out of the body from time to time.

The simple but most effective way to detoxify is by drinking plenty of water. Water flushes and purifies the body of any junk inside it. A good way to test for proper hydration is by taking note of the color of your urine. Clear urine means proper hydration but more yellow urine signifies that you should drink more water. A good way to ensure proper hydration is by carrying a water bottle and drinking from it whenever you are thirsty instead of opting for unhealthy drinks. Even drinks that seem natural, like apple juice, may have preservatives and artificial sugars so sticking to water during detox is the best bet. Drinking tea, specifically green tea also has many benefits for detoxification.

Next, there is the consumption of fruits, vegetables, and natural grains. These nutrients are easily processed by the body and most detox diets include high consumption of these items. Red meats, dairy, and greasy foods should be avoided during the detox period. For protein during the diet, fish, chicken and nuts can be consumed. Green vegetables, lentils, and brown rice are also great options. Above all smoking, drugs, and the consumption of alcohol should be avoided during detoxification because these things should be considered toxins.

Although the diet itself is key, exercise is also a very important part of a detox program. When exercising, the body sweats out certain toxins that it might not otherwise expel. The increased body temperature during exercise also helps purify the body. Exercising three times a week for at least half an hour every time is enough to purify the body, but more exercise is always good. The exercise itself doesn’t need to be strenuous; anything that increases heart rate and body temperature will do the job.

There are several higher-budget options for detoxification as well, such as detox drinks and “internal body cleansers” but the tips above work just as well, if not better. The idea of the diet is simply to keep additional toxins out while flushing the body of anything harmful that already exists inside it. If detox diets are done regularly, the dieter will find himself or herself with increased energy, long term health benefits, and clearer skin.