Natural Remedies for Your Children

Natural Remedies for Your Children

Being a parent I’m sure you have had your share of runny noses and high temperatures which can be very stressful. Children can get sick for different reasons to adults and we need to be aware that their needs may be different from ours. Many times parent stress out and worry which unintentionally add to the child’s stress and they feel worse. Children getting sick is a normal part of growing up. The colds, fevers and tummy aches are helping our child’s immunity to build. They may not be nice to go through but building immunity is important as it will help if more serious illness strikes. Many times, I have found stressed, desperate parents just don’t know what to do so I have put together here some natural ways you can help your child and not be so stressed yourself.

The most common illness we find children get is colds and fevers. Fevers are a sign that there is an infection somewhere. The fever itself is not actually an illness but a symptom that there is something else going on in the body. The fever causes the white cells to move to the infection to help heal itself. Even though this is the case we still need to treat high temperatures as they can have some serious side effects. When treating a fever, we must first make sure the child is cool by removing blankets, clothing and/or placing a cold face washer over the child’s forehead. If necessary put them in a lukewarm bath but if the fever is high take them to a hospital. Do not mess around with a high fever – in children or adults without medical advice. We must also make sure the child is not dehydrated so get them to drink as much water as possible. Good teas to give them are diluted peppermint and raspberry and also slippery elm. Food should be light such as fruit which can easily be digested.

Colds are also commonly present when there is a fever. Two great remedies for children are Echinacea tea or drops and garlic, if they will take garlic. Your also need to make sure they go to the toilet daily and that their digestion is working. If the child is constipated warm water usually helps get the bowel moving again. For the cough, a natural syrup made of lemon, pineapple juice and honey. Honey helps to remove the mucus and ease the coughing; the lemon will help soothe the throat and acts like a cleaning agent and the pineapple juice will help fight the infection. For older children finely chopped Spanish onion mixed with honey will help fight the infection and soothe the throat, the struggle however may be getting them to eat it as it does not taste that great.

If you find your baby has diarrhoea, rice or barley water can be effective and you can continue to give them this until the diarrhoea has completely gone. Slippery elm also works for adults and children alike and is good for the digestion. Be sure to use the powder as it works better. Another good way to help relieve the symptoms is carrot soup, however this needs to be watered down until very weak. If your child does not respond to natural treatment then you may need to consult your chemist who will have other treatments of the shelf as it is very important to keep the electrolytes up and keep the child hydrated.

Colic can also be worrying for parents as it makes your baby uncomfortable and often screaming in pain. Food that can cause it include cow’s milk, eggs, corn, tomatoes, wheat, cabbage, garlic, onions, chocolate and beans. Some of these foods may still affect your milk while you are breast feeding so give them a miss. You can try not eating dairy or wheat products for a week or two and see if this has a positive effect on your child. Also, you can try baby massage. Take some warm oil and massage your baby’s stomach in a clockwise direction, then move to the baby’s legs and while massaging the legs move them in a bicycle motion to help relieve their wind then turn baby around and massage their back in an up and down motion. Massage will not only help baby with wind but you will find they are calmer and it’s a great way to bond with your little one.

Soon enough your little one will be able to eat solids which brings with it a whole new challenge. Sometimes solid foods can trigger sensitivities in their bodies. Starting your child on solid food too soon can also create allergies later on in their life. The introduction of solids should be done slowly starting with fruit and vegetable puree’s and only add in one new food every few days. You should try not to mix fruit and vegetables in the same meal as they use different enzymes to digest. If you find that your child is having a recurring sensitivity and you’re not sure what is causing the inflammation you can have a saliva test done to see exactly what could be causing this. As your child gets older you can introduce grains and proteins to create a balanced diet.

These are just a few of the natural ways to help your child be healthy and heal. There are many other illnesses that natural remedies can help heal without relying on drug medication. If your child is getting ill a lot then you need to visit a trained natural practitioner. Never self-diagnose yourself or your child or Google symptoms. It will stress you out for the wrong reasons. It takes years of experience to get to the bottom of an underlying issue that may be causing recurring illnesses and only a trained professional knows how to do this.