Romantic Dinner Ideas to Celebrate Valentine’s Day

Romantic Dinner Ideas to Celebrate Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s day is around the corner and it is a great way to show the one you love how you feel about them. It is the one day when you show your appreciation by showering your valentine with gifts and loving gestures. One of those gestures is the valentine’s dining experience. Either you plan it together or you can surprise your valentine with a romantic dinner.

If you plan the romantic dinner together, you will be able to bounce ideas off each other and prepare a night that you will both enjoy. The location will be the first thing that you need to decide on. Will you have a romantic dinner at home, book a table at a restaurant, perhaps create a rooftop experience, or create a picnic table in a park.

If you are planning it alone then here are few ideas.

You can book a table at a restaurant and ask them to decorate it with red and white table linen. Bring your own bunch of red roses to place on the table, which your valentine can take home. Add a personal touch with a romantic gift. Give the gift to the waiter beforehand so that they can place it on the table, ready for when the two of you arrive. It doesn’t have to be a large gift, rather something small and subtle. A necklace or a pair of earrings is a great way to surprise your valentine. You can also opt for a personalised gift like a picture of the two of you in a frame or maybe on a slate tile. It’s a wonderful way to showcase your love.

If you are planning your romantic dinner at home then you have no restrictions. You can place the dining table in the centre of the dining room. Place a white table cloth with a red runner and two red glossy underplates. Use the best catering equipment you have to impress your valentine. Place the silverware beside the underplates and use the best plates you have. As a centrepiece you can place about dozen red candles of various sizes on a glass plate and light them. It will create a beautiful glowing ambience. Scatter a few red rose petals on the table cloth and runner. Get creative with the napkins and fold them into interesting shapes such as hearts or, if you are more daring, into swans. Get some good chocolates, add a heart tag with a romantic quote and place one each at the respective place settings.

Most of all, enjoy the company of your valentine. It’s all about the celebration of love.