Type 2 Diabetes – Five Easy Breakfast Ideas for People With Diabetes

Type 2 Diabetes – Five Easy Breakfast Ideas for People With Diabetes

You have heard it said many times; breakfast is the most important meal of the day. First, this is highly debatable. Second, you should not allow this idea to convince you to eat a large meal in the morning. Presumably, you will still be having lunch and dinner, and potentially be eating in between those meals. If you have Type 2 diabetes or would like to lose weight, it is crucial to eat less and decrease the frequency at which you eat.

Regardless, there is a “right way” to do breakfast. While there is no such thing as a diabetic diet, there are breakfast meals suited for people with Type 2 diabetes. Let us go over some of them…

1. Eggs. Let us start with the traditional option. Eggs make an excellent choice for breakfast for several reasons…

  • they are packed with nutrients,
  • they are filling, and they
  • can be prepared in a variety of ways to suit your taste.

Do not be misled by the rumors eggs are not a healthy option. Yes, they contain cholesterol but it is only a problem if your cholesterol level is excessive. Your body already produces cholesterol for physiological functions which your body regulates when you consume it.

You may have a cholesterol problem, in which case you should exercise because it would make a significant difference. Still, you can have eggs every so often. Just skip the bacon.

2. Cereal. Cereal is food you have to be careful with. The vast majority are loaded with sugar which brands attempt to hide by fixing your attention on the vitamins and minerals they contain – many times in low amounts.

However, if you can find a box of cereal that is…

  • entirely whole-grain,
  • low in added sugars, and
  • high in fiber,

you have a reliable option for breakfast. A bowl of cereal and milk can be a great start to the day.

3. Oatmeal. Oatmeal is very similar to cereal – avoid the kinds with needless sugar, add some milk and enjoy. Oatmeal is best consumed warm or hot, and you are free to add fruit, honey, or cinnamon. Oatmeal can help lower your cholesterol and is a high-quality carbohydrate that is easy on your blood sugar as long as you avoid the instant kind.

4. Protein Shakes. Next is a protein shake. Whether it is with milk or blended with fruit, protein shakes are not just a post-workout option but are also a good choice first thing in the morning as they tend to be low-calorie.

5. Fruit. Who said you had to have a full meal for breakfast? Fruit is an excellent choice for many people. Do not hesitate to follow it up with a protein shake – this way you will not feel the need to eat for hours.

Most people will find the above options sufficient to improve their diet. Just remember, lunch and dinner still count, so make sure you also eat well during those meals.