Who Is to Blame for Homelessness?

Who Is to Blame for Homelessness?

The question arises because many homeless people were moved on from the centre of Sydney, yesterday, because they were primarily an embarrassment to the government. While other excuses for the clean-up was given the facts cannot be so readily passed over. Where they had pitched their tents was in a major thoroughfare in the heart of the city. Where else would be so in the-face of a seemingly careless group of politicians?

This raised awareness as nothing else has about the plight of so many. Those who were living here included ex-soldiers, who had fought overseas, mentally retarded and disadvantaged folk, and others who are just down on their luck. Questions are now being asked in the media about who is to blame for their homeless situations?

The better question would be what is being done to help them? It brought tears to the eyes of many who watched as trucks moved in to remove the rubbish left behind as dozens picked up their meagre belongings in plastic bags or boxes and looked forlornly into the unknown. Where should they go next to stay out-of-the-way of authorities.

One middle-aged gentleman stated that he was heading to the station and would sleep on trains. A handful had been given accommodation in government housing but for the others – well – they got nothing.

All governments are to blame for the housing crisis the country faces. Overseas investors tend to leave houses empty to cash in on their increase in value. those who have bought up numerous houses under the negative gearing scheme, whereby they can write off tax on properties they own, is ruining home ownership. They borrow against them as the values increase and use the funds to acquire more properties that they rent out at higher rates.