How to Know When Your Ex Boyfriend Wants You Back

How to Know When Your Ex Boyfriend Wants You Back

Whether you’re looking to get back your ex boyfriend (or just want to know whether or not he still wants you), the following guidelines will help out. The signs and signals a guy gives off when he’s around or talking to you can go a long way toward telling you if he’s still interested. And if you’ve been working toward getting back together with your ex, knowing and identifying these signs can be extremely important. Sometimes they can be obvious, but other times your ex might be giving them off without even knowing it.

The signals below are all good indications that your ex boyfriend is thinking about rekindling your romance:

Your Ex Increases Contact With You – Maybe you’ve stayed in touch with your ex after the break up, or maybe he just called you out of the blue. Constant communication is a big sign that your ex doesn’t fully want to let go of your relationship, but a sudden increase in the amount of contact can tell a different story. If your ex wants you back, he’s going to pick up the pace. He’ll start sending you emails, text messages, and make frequent phone calls just to chat you up. The subject of these conversations may get romantic, but probably not right away. More telling is the fact that he’s paying you more attention than normal.

Your Ex Boyfriend Asks About Your Dating Situation – Wanting to know the status of your love life seems like a friendly question, but coming from an ex boyfriend it’s always laced with ulterior motives. When your ex is considering dating you again, the first thing he’ll need to know is whether or not you’re interested in anyone else. Knowing you’re pursuing other interests will spare him the rejection of asking you out. So if you’re looking to get back with your ex, make sure you give him the green light here.

He Goes Out of His Way to Tell You He’s Single – Talking to your ex casually can be very strange when it comes to dating other people. After all, you have a long and intimate history together… jealousy could still linger on either side. Most guys will avoid talking about new love interests or girlfriends. But if your ex starts making a point of the fact that he’s not dating anyone? It’s highly likely he’s testing the waters to see if you’re interested in giving your relationship another shot. If you want you boyfriend back, this is always a great sign.

Your Ex Brings Up The Past – When a relationship ends, there is usually bad blood between the two participants. Over time, the memories of fighting and arguing begin to fade away, leaving only the good times behind. Bringing up the great times the two of you had together is your ex boyfriend’s way of saying “Hey, look at that! Wasn’t that fun? Maybe we should do that again!” Anyone mentioning the past is doing so for a very good reason: they want to rekindle some old sparks. If he wasn’t interested in seeing you again, your ex probably wouldn’t bring these times up for fear of giving you the wrong idea.

Your Ex Boyfriend Asks You To Lunch – This is the classic opening move for a guy trying to get back into a relationship with an ex girlfriend. “Lunch” is the most innocent of meetings; it’s usually short, to the point, and in a neutral location. There’s no danger of awkward pauses or prolonged hanging out after having lunch… usually you both go your separate ways. If your ex asks to meet you for a quick meal or cup of coffee, odds are good he’s not just doing it for the small talk. “Friends with your ex” is a myth: either you date your ex boyfriend or you don’t date him. And although some people find themselves trapped in the black hole known as The Friend Zone, friendship with an ex is never anyone’s true goal.

He’s Suddenly Attentive To You Again – One of the last things that will happen when he’s ready to ask you out again, your ex will suddenly become a lot more complimentary and attentive toward you. His behaviors will even mimic the beginning of your old relationship, back at the time he was courting you. If you’re into dating your ex again, roll with it. If not, be very aware of this type of sign. Any radical change in behavior like this usually indicates he’s about to change the dynamic of your post-breakup relationship.