Animals Used for Experimentation

Animals Used for Experimentation

Right now, as you are reading this article, millions of rabbits, primates, dogs, and mice must be going under the knife as a result of experiments being conducted on them for the sustenance and growth of the human race. We started breaking the balance and crossed all limits when we began to slaughter these sentient creatures just for the development of our own race.

We made the poor, innocent animals subjects of our horrific experiments. They are made to undergo pain inducing clinical trials for cosmetics, medical drugs, consumer products and so on. We long forgotten their rights, and now we are being ignorant towards the ethics and principles involved behind causing such pain to these living creatures.

Millions of primates, rabbits, dogs, cats, pigs, rodents, etc. are made to undergo horrifying experiments in laboratories spread across the globe. As an impact of the drugs being administered, the helpless creatures are at times intoxicated and burnt alive. In the physiological experiments, they are left to suffer depravity, anxiety, depression, terror, helplessness, and more. They are electrocuted during vivisection surgeries and injected with almost everything from heroin and marijuana to methamphetamine into their internal systems. To understand the cancerous cell and their impacts, carcinoma is induced in them.

Some of these animals have been found with holes in their skull for being used for the purpose of brain related experiments. The case is worse for mice and rats, in which there aren’t any laws to safeguard their interest. While in case of other animals like guinea pigs, cats, and dogs, the researchers are expected to look for other alternatives, and in case of necessity, are bound by law to use pain relief and anesthetics. However for mice and rats, there doesn’t exist any such obligation. They are readily available, and no permission has to be granted to use them for experiments. Use of such animals for experiments makes the laboratories evasive of any laws and inspections, and thus they are left on their own to carry on with their heinous crimes.

Eye irritancy tests, for dish washing liquids, cosmetics, drain cleaners, etc. are injected in eyes of the innocent animals like rabbits to check their effects on humans. Such experiments often leave these animals with eye conditions including blindness, redness, hemorrhage, swelling, discharge, etc. Precious, beautiful animals like rabbits are shaved and corrosive chemicals are applied on their backs or other body parts. These animals are left as such for as long as a fortnight with no pain relievers, and they often succumb to their injuries and pain.

The innocent creatures are made to undergo surgeries in their spines to study cardiovascular diseases, spinal cord injuries, and so on. These animals are kept in mutilated conditions for over six months before being killed by barbarians. The helpless animals are met with terrifying experiments where they are treated no better than mere disposable wastes of experiments.

The primates being equally sentient as humans are first made to undergo painful separations from their family and natural habitat. They are trapped in isolation in cruel laboratories which cause abnormal behaviors, insanity and loneliness, etc. These animals are made to undergo pharmaceutical tests and are induced with infectious disease and ailments like HIV Aids to develop vaccines, which even after decades of experimentation have failed to show results on humans.

In case of military experiments, they are made to undergo the impact of deadly anthrax and bubonic plagues. In these unbelievable cruel experiments of the impacts of maternal-deprivation, these primates are separated from their mothers to understand the impact of pains and emotional disturbances induced out of such separations.

In one of the most disturbing experiments, some of the monkeys have been found with hole in their skulls, metal resistant devices screwed inside their heads, and even traces of electrodes have been found inserted in their brains. One of the shocking revelations has shown a part of their brain being destroyed or removed in studies of the cognitive function. These poor creatures are then made immobilized, and their heads being bolted at a place just to record their behavioral pattern.

Animals like cats are forcibly made part of the intubation training exercises wherein hard plastic tubes are forced down their windpipes to induce bleeding, swelling, scarring, collapsed lungs, and excruciating pain which often compels them to collapse. While carrying out vision experiments, the cats are brought up in areas deprived of light and have one or both of their eyes sewn or removed. In orthopedic experiments, the spinal cords of these cats are crushed to induce paralysis or lower back disorders. Such cruel experiments leave these cats with mutilated faces, crushed optical nerves, removed ears and eyes, and more.

Pigs in many laboratories across the globe are shot, stabbed, dismembered and burnt in names of experiments. Holes are made into their throats, needles are inserted within their bones, and tissues around their hearts and lungs are removed. Remember these excruciating experiments are conducted mostly without the administration of pain relief and anesthetic drugs.

All these heinous treatments that these innocent creatures are forced to undergo is in spite of the fact that alternatives are available in laboratories for carrying out these experiments. Some of the alternatives available other than using animals for experimentation are as follows:

• In Vitro Research: Rather than using animals for experiments, in vitro research uses a controlled environment like test tubes or petri dish for experiments. These experiments not only saves the cruel slaughtering of animals, but also provide more accurate results. As most of the diseases begin to spread from the microscopic level, this offers better opportunities for their administration.

• Computer and Mathematical Modeling: Techniques like computers and mathematical modeling have been instrumental in achieving a significant breakthrough in the studies of HIV Aids, breast cancer, high blood pressure, etc.

• Epidemiology: This refers to the study and cure of diseases within a given set of population. Long- term studies in epidemiology have derived links between heart diseases and diet, smoking with lung cancer, and environmental poisons with occupational diseases.

• Autopsies: From establishing the nature and cause of death, autopsies have been instrumental in identifying the presence of an illness which often the physicians missed diagnosing. The impacts of autopsies are being recognized by most of countries, and hence more funds are getting allocated for autopsy promising more positive results than animal experimentation.

All the above alternatives safeguard the interest of the sentient creatures as well as promises more accurate and better results. We must start relying more upon them than cruel experiments on animals.