Why a Lunch Date is a Good Date

Why a Lunch Date is a Good Date

When you think of a date you usually picture a night out. Probably dinner, maybe a movie, get some coffee, and see if there's a kiss or not at the end of the night. You may not have ever considered a lunch date, but there are plenty of reasons to get your dating on during the day. Here are the top things that a lunch date can do for you to jump-start your social calendar:

It keeps things breezy. Who can say no to lunch? It's easily the least serious meal of the day. With a dinner Everyone thinks you'll go to bed with each other after the date, with breakfast everyone thinks you woke up together. With lunch, everyone assumes you're on a lunch hour if it's the middle of the week, or they assume you're friends if it's the weekend. It's hard to deny someone the offer of Let's do lunch, because it's much easier to end a bad date during the middle of the day. There's no awkward moment at the end of the date, standing in front of a doorway. There's no reason for someone to walk you to your car, or see you to your door.

Alcohol free. Since it's the middle of the day, there's less of a chance of alcohol being involved during the date, so you'll have a clear head and get into less trouble. Unless you're going out with someone that has 3 martini lunches, in which case you might want to end the date early anyway, except that's your thing too!

You'll be awake. If you go out on a date that starts at your usual bedtime you might not have the energy to get through it. You may come off like you're bored or uninterested, when you're really just sleepy. By going on a lunch date you make sure that you'll be attentive and aware of what's going on.

The lighting is honest. You might be surprised by what your date looks like during the day when you go out at night. Restaurants tend to dim the lights, and most places you go to at night will not be lit up too well. When you have lunch you will get a clear picture of what that person looks like on most days.

There's more time, if needed . If you're both having a great time, and neither of you are expected back at work, you can extend your date into the evening. Take in a matinee show and by the time you come out it will be dinner time. You can then have another meal together and decide what to do from there. One marathon date can turn into a beautiful relationship.