Hungry American Children Need Your Donations

Hungry American Children Need Your Donations

Have you ever been truly hungry? You know what I mean, the kind of hungry that means you have eaten little or nothing for days on end and a slice of bread would more than fill your shrunken stomach? It might surprise you to know that there are about 15 million children who are living below the poverty level and rarely get enough to eat. They also have minimal if any health care and their education is also limited.

Almost 1 in 50 children in the United States is homeless, and nearly half of those homeless children are under the age of 8. If you had extra food, wouldn’t you share it with them? How can you help? What can you do that will possible make a difference to hungry children who are innocent victims?

By working with American charitable organizations that are working to support American children, you can make a difference. Charities want to help children before they turn to a life of crime to get what they need. No one wants children to turn to drugs or alcohol because they are hungry or ill.

Charities provide a support structure to help children by helping their families. They work to provide transportation to places of employment for the parents. They help to provide food so the children have a balanced meal. They even help to pay the bills so that the parents can provide other necessities for their children.

Most people can help a little, but don’t feel that their five dollars will even make a dent in the problem. Just like the boy who walked along the beach throwing the starfish back into the ocean, your help can make a difference for that one child. If everyone understood how powerful they can be by joining together, the problems of hunger and poverty could be eradicated from this country. Every person who helps makes a difference and helps us on the pathway toward that goal.

It may interest you to know that charities in America who help children in this country accept donations of old vehicles. If you have an old beater that doesn’t get around much anymore and you were wondering if it was worth the money to have it towed to the junkyard, you may want to consider donating it to charity. The charity actually foots the bill for the towing service, and you also receive a tax donation receipt for the value of the vehicle.

Amazingly, every vehicle can be used in some way, whether it is repaired or used for parts or other things. The proceeds then go to help needy children in America. Think about helping a hungry child today, and donate something.