Paying Off Your Credit Card – Skip A Lunch

Paying Off Your Credit Card – Skip A Lunch

Actually skipping your lunch to help you pay off your debt is just one small example of what you can do to help you pay off your credit cards. See, let’s say you are in the habit of eating lunch every day outside. You are spending about $7 a day, 5 days a week, 4 weeks a month.

That ends up totaling about $35/week and $140/month. In a year that is $1,680! Just bringing your own lunch from home can literally cut that in half!

What are some other daily tasks that we do that can help you start saving more money and paying off your credit card?

– No bottled water

– Carpool

– Use Coupons

– No Starbucks

There are of course many things you could do to help you pay your credit card off, but let’s evaluate just these for a few minutes.

If you start getting water filters instead of bottled water, that can save you almost $1.50 a day! Most people will end up spending about $2 a day just buying bottled water, whereas the filter would really cost you less than $.50 a day! So, that means over $360/year.

If you start carpooling, you will cut your average gas bill in half. The average person spends about $40/week in gasoline bills. If you start carpooling, you can save $480/year.

If you start using coupons, we estimate that you will save about $20/week in grocery bills. That means that you will save another $480/year.

Now, how about you stop wasting money at Starbucks every morning! You can instantly start saving about $3 a day just by switching to home made coffee or just going to 711! That means a total of $720/year.

So, in total, if you can just make a few small changes in your lifestyle and avoid wasting money on needless things, you can easily save $3,720 a year! Given the average American salary, that is actually more than 10% of the salary of the average American!

Look how much money you can save when we barely even started…