Are Animals Dying From Global Warming?

Are Animals Dying From Global Warming?

What we, humans, have failed to understand during our time here, is how our actions have had multiple consequences most of which have caused destruction in our ecosystem. Knowing about them never crosses our minds. Being selfishly possessed, protecting the environment and its habitat became never our priority; and even now with so many regulations and laws intact to secure the environment from harm, we see no practical implementation around us.

Innumerable species have gone extinct and the number of endangered animals keeps on rising each year. Most people are not aware of rare animal’s facts since, in this capitalistic era, nobody wants to learn about these facts unless it involves earning a buck or two. Animal activists can only make familiar with some of these in danger of extinction animals facts, rest is upon us, whether we want to learn about certain facts or rather focus on other “humanly” activities.

Such people would be amazed to hear about such endangered animals’ facts that put blame on them, for the rising number in animal extinction. Nevertheless, the truth is simple, though bitter. It is us, who have caused this and our lack of knowledge about threatened natural world that has led us to turn a blind eye towards it.

What people really need to know about endangered animals’ facts does not concern them knowing about each animal; rather it is about what they can do for those poor creatures whose life is at stake. With more and more activists joining in for the protection of ecology, this matter has reached out to those who are willing to take an initiative.

Hence, it shall come to many as a surprise how animal Right Activists and nature lovers have devised various methods, with the assistance of NGO to not only make people aware of the story, but also give them a chance to adopt one for its protection.

Some of the endangered animal’s facts that are most likely to shock you (and those that concern human involvement) include:

1. Elephants being endangered due to excessive hunting and poaching to meet ivory

2. Chimpanzees reduced to a meager number since commercial tycoons have destroyed their homes in their attempt of deforestation

3. Despite laws enacted to ban commercial whaling, men slaughter more than a 1000 Whales for their mere purpose of profit. It is happening to Tuna by being exposed to high toxicity levels in the water (caused by waste dumping)

4. Slowly the minute number of Vanquitas is diminishing as they become caught during commercial fishing that is severely threatening their existence

If these endangered animals’ facts do not change the views of the people involved, these poor creatures do not stand a chance at all. These inhumane activities need to stop soon; or it shall become too late to conserve our ecology.