Horny Goat Weed – Works Combine it With These Herbs For Harder Erections and More Libido

Horny Goat Weed – Works Combine it With These Herbs For Harder Erections and More Libido

Horny Goat Weed is one of the best herbs to increase libido and here we will look at its sexual health benefits and two herbs you can combine it with to make it even more effective. Let’s first look at how Horny Goat Weed works to enhance libido and give you a harder erection.

Horny Goat Weed plays a key role in increasing blood flow into the penis, by helping to release nitric oxide, while inhibiting PDE-5 (just like prescription drugs) this helps to relax and widen the corpus cavernosal tissue which feeds the penis, to all more blood in and create a stiff erection.

The herb also increases levels of testosterone which is the key male hormone and when this happens more libido and harder erections are the result.

While the herb acts on a physical level, it also acts on a mental level and works to mreduce stress. Stress, is a major cause of low libido and erection problems and Horny Goat Weed works naturally to reduce stress and increase overall body energy.

So we have some great sexual benefits but there is no such thing, as one herb to cure asll problems and Horny Goat Weed should be taken with the following herbs and if it is increased libido and harder erections are the result. You will find all the herbs below in the best natural sex pills – lets take a look at what they do


This herb contains protodioscin, a saponin constituent which is known to increase energy and libido. The herb is also seen as the best to increase levels of testosterone quickly and is a favorite of serious body builders for this reason.


This little known but powerful libido enhancer, ensures that blood flow to the sex organs is increased and maintained during arousal. When blood reaches the sex organs, Cnidium also helps to let more blood into the penis, by helping the body to secrete more nitric oxide.

Tongkat Ali Extract

This herb has been used for centuries to help men cure impotence, the bioactive Glygopeptide compounds in Tongkat Ali increase free testosterone levels, decrease SHBG levels. The herb also works to increase sperm count, size and motility.


This herb is an excellent blood circulation tonic and helps, to improve blood flow to the penis during arousal. The herb also fights stress, lifts mood and increases overall levels of energy in the body.

Get them All

By combining herbs such as Horny Goat Weed with the other herbs above, you can increase libido and general levels of wellness, so you can get more from sex and more from life.