I Have Nowhere to Go

I Have Nowhere to Go

We’re spending some time on the crux of the Gospel. All of us have a responsibility to spread this message of salvation. All of us do it in different ways. I just have to share this comic story about Johan with you:

My wife and I have been involved with a homeless man who drinks terribly for about 20 years now. I’ve given him pamphlets and a Gideons’ Bible; I’ve preached to him and keep him busy with small jobs here and there, because he can do anything you want him to, and does it well too.

One Friday evening after work I gave him his money again and he left. It was about eight o’ clock. We were watching TV when I heard someone calling my name. When I went outside, I found Johnie at the gate.

He was holding bags in each hand. I opened the gate and asked him what he had in the bags. “No, he said, these are some rations for the weekend.”

I saw he had two bottles of brandy and beer. Disappointed, I asked him but what about our agreement from earlier that afternoon.

I said to him: “Johnie, if you are a man and wants to keep your commitment to the Lord Jesus, open these two bottles and empty them right here.”

He looked askance at me and said: “No, you do it. ‘Cause why, it’s your own responsibility”.

Even more discouraged, I said: “Johnie, if you walk across the street right now and gets killed by a car, where are you going?”

He looked up at me again and said: “I’ve nowhere to go. I’ll sommer come to you.”

I asked my son to take him home. He has such a big problem, but we’ll keep on trusting that the Lord has a plan with Johnie.

Yes, a comical story, because you don’t expect that response: “I’ve nowhere to go.”

But if you think about it, it goes much further than that. So many people have nowhere to go after their last day on earth. It breaks your heart. So many people miss out: 9God didn’t set us up for an angry rejection but for salvation by our Master, Jesus Christ. 10He died for us, a death that triggered life. Whether we’re awake with the living or asleep with the dead, we’re alive with him!

May you, like Johan, try again and again to get the message to everybody.


Who do you have to tell about Jesus’ message?

When are you going to do it?

How are you going to do it?


Jesus Christ, thank you that everybody who believes in You has a place to go after our last day on earth. Thank you for the sacrifice You made so that I can be with You forever. Amen.