Positive Hiring Analysis: The Tourism Sector

Positive Hiring Analysis: The Tourism Sector

The tourism industry is a major industry for the United States, which comes as a surprise to many local Americans.

USA has been the no.1 tourist destinations for most parts of the world including Australia, Asia, Western Europe and South America. The diversity, landscape, cosmopolitan lifestyle, shopping experience and attractions make the USA as a unique travel destination.

The inbound tourism (international arrivals) have been growing at remarkable rate, new record had been achieved on the monthly basis both in terms of arrivals and spending.

According to statistics, the number of inbound tourists reached 59.7 million people, and the total spending was $134 billion! Throughout 2009 & 2010, new record was achieved every month for 15th consecutive months. The first 6 months of 2011 already saw a record of 28.9 million visitors, so it will not be surprised to see another record breaking year, as it had not account for summer vacation, and the upcoming October and December, which were the high-seasons.

Therefore, inbound tourism is a major economy for the United States, and this may reach well over 60 million visitors and probably over $150 billion in spending if it continues with the growth rate.

This shows the US Tourism Industry is having the best time ever on record and continuing, so what sectors are good sectors for tourism.

Well, tourism is a diverse industry, so it is good to include many direct and indirect services:

1. Tourism Bureau / Offices of your city & state – a lot of them are now expanding their operations and with requirement of new promotional activities

2. Marketing positions – both junior and senior positions – preparing new promotional activities, exhibitions, Internet marketing

3. Tour operators – this has been a fast growing segment, and new players have entered the market as well. It is also a good business opportunity, some are becoming franchising models

4. Airlines – Quite a few airlines have expanded their services to the United States due to the rising demand, these airlines are now recruiting for their operations in the United States; particularly those from Canada, Middle East, Australia and South America.

5. Catering Companies – Catering companies provide services to hotels, airlines, tour groups and cruises. Some of these companies have expanded significantly last 3 years – they are usually at major transportation hubs such as Los Angeles or Fort Lauderdale

6. Security Services Companies – As airports and sea-ports expand, more security staff are also required.

7. Cruising Companies – I was talking to several cruises last week, and they have reported significant increase of reservation level. A large number of European, Canadian and South American travelers have arrived in the United States to join cruises.

8. Hotels – Hotels have benefited significantly, I have noticed that most hotels do not offer much discounts anymore compared to 2009 & 2010. The accommodation rates increased as hotels are often fully booked. New construction of hotels has been across the United States to accommodate tourists.