What Do Tourists Spend Their Money For?

What Do Tourists Spend Their Money For?

The chase for live emotions and impressions is the main item of expenditure for travelers. This is proved by the results of a research of a tourist auditory, during which 5 916 people have answered the question: “On what do you mainly spend your money during the trip?”

36% of the respondents have answered that the significant part of the finances assigned for the period of traveling is spent for paying for excursions and other cognitive events. Tourists are ready to spend actively their savings abroad, if only there are lively unforgettable recollections left in their memory.

The second in the list of popular expenses is entertainment. 27% of tourists prefer spending their money on the places of entertainment and bright night-life.

24.9% of the holiday-makers set apart the major part of their monetary means for shopping and purchasing of souvenirs. Women have chosen this variant 3.6 times more often than men. As is well known, the representatives of the weaker sex are not only subjected to the shopping mania, but also, as a rule, namely they have to keep in their heads the long list of all the relatives and friends, to whom they should bring some souvenirs from the “beyond the sea” countries.

For some people a trip to a foreign country is a possibility to get acquainted with the unknown culture, one of the brightest traits of which is national cuisine. 9.4% of the respondents were turned out to be gourmands, because the major part of their money during a trip they spend on the food. Despite this, during the visits to Turkey or Egypt, the most attractive for tourists still remains the All Inclusive system, which allows them to forget about the existence of money, at least, at the territory of the hotel.

Instead of the common excursions many enthusiasts prefer to rent a car or to buy tickets for moving across the country and to explore the local sights by themselves. 2.8% of tourists, mainly the young people, who are 20-25 years old, have answered that the major part of their financial means during the trip is spent for the transport.

With the recent dollar value decrease there are even lists of locations where a dollar-owner could spend a vacation These locations are also interesting, because they are quite parallel in quality with well-known locations, but are less popular and much more cheap.

Whatever are the expenses you are planning during your next holiday, will it be an interesting excursion, a trip on a rented car, or grand delicacies, there is only one advice: do not deny yourself the deserved pleasure. Money exists for spending, and during a trip we enjoy spending it more than ever.