Going on a Dinner Cruise Date

Going on a Dinner Cruise Date

Want to impress the lady of your life and so you have decided to go for a cruise dinner for your first date! Well, you should be praised for selecting such a great idea but your aim will be fulfilled only when you will be able to make the date perfectly romantic. The idea of dating a lady on a cruise dinner is itself quite thrilling and taking care of a few factors will help you make the most of the time you spend with her.

Why a Dinner Cruise is a Good Choice?

If you are one of those people, who have opted for a dinner cruise after hearing about it from a few friends, you need to learn the reason. Dinner cruises are especially meant for holding romantic dinners and provide the perfect ambience you need for impressing a lady. The decoration of the venue and the scenic beauty you will get to enjoy in the trip will add spice to the dating plan. Apart from the beauty of the place, the melodious tunes played by the orchestra troupes of the cruises will also make you feel the love in air.

Preparing for the Cruise Dinner

To make the cruise dinner date a happening one, you should get decked up for the occasion in the right way.

Departure Time

Do some homework on the dinner cruises sailing from the nearest harbor and book your table. Generally, the dinner cruises starts at the dusk hours so that you can take the advantage of the natural setting. Dinner cruises mostly have duration of three to four hours. So, you should have some plans lined up accordingly, else your partner will be bored. Dancing can be an excellent idea on a dinner cruise.

Type of Vessel

This is another important factor that is to be needed when you are planning for a cruise dinner. Depending on your preferences as well as your budget, you can find yachts, riverboats and even steamships for this purpose. The advantage of opting for small vessel is obviously enjoying the time in complete privacy. Yet, you should be prepared to bear the expenses.

Bringing a Gift

If you want to impress you can pick up a special gift for your date. You must choose a happy medium with the gift here. A diamond ring says “This guy is crazy or incredibly desperate.” On the other hand a plastic necklace says “Okay, el cheapo. Did he really expect me to be impressed with this.” A simple flower will do. Or if you know something that she likes you can get that for her. This will let her know that you were listening and are thoughtful.

Attitude and Attire

Last but not the least is your attitude and your attire. Even though you are not going for a corporate dinner, it is best to be in sem-formal wear (suit and tie). If you both agree to make it a little less casual then you will do fine with khakis and a blazer. Just stay away from jeans and shorts, unless the jeans are somewhat dressy. Remember one thing, your attitude can make or mar the entire mood. Be smart and confident but not over-confident. You should never share the bill or discuss about the cost incurred for the trip if you do not want to spoil the mood.