Horny Goat Weed Supplement – How Effective is It?

Horny Goat Weed Supplement – How Effective is It?

The herbal plant is popularly known as horny goat weed, also known by its scientific name of epimedium, is available as an extract supplement. One bottle of this supplement contains 90 capsules of 400mg horny goat weed extract supplements. Each capsule contains, epimedium extract, 10% icariin as flavonoids, stearic acid, rice flour and gelatin. (Stearic acid is a colorless, odorless waxy crystalline fatty acid used in manufacturing candles, wax, and medicines)
The supplement banks its effectiveness on the information provided in Chinese herbal concepts, that horny goat weed is broadly used in promoting sexual activity. Product information also explains to several studies that the flavonoid icariin has positive effects on blood flow and as a natural phosphodiesterase inhibitor.

The horny goat weed extract have the following characteristics as a dietary supplement:

  • The horny goat weed extract is recommended to be taken as a dietary supplement; one horny goat weed capsule should be taken in the morning before breakfast, several times a week or as recommended by the health care professional.
  • The horny goat weed extract supplement is not recommended to be taken simultaneously with other sexual enhancement herbs, since they are considered as equally potent.
  • It is said that it will take several days before the effects of the horny goat weed supplement's full benefits take place. Correspondingly, it may even take a week or two to take effect in some people.
  • The manufacturer of the horny goat weed extract supplement does not make any claim that it will work effectively among all users, but suggests that a trial and error method will be used for at least two weeks.
  • The product manufacturer does not guarantee the interaction between other medicinal drugs and the horny goat weed extract supplement; hence, they do not recommend that herbs should be taken simultaneously with a drug medication.
  • The horny goat weed extract supplement is expected to have better absorption if the stomach is without food, since it is ideally taken in the morning and the user should wait for about a half hour for its absorption. Dosages will greatly depend on how the supplement affects the user on the initial response; increase or decrease of dosage will accordingly be based on how it makes the individual feel.
  • Caution should always be taken, since this information can be vague if one will read on further about the horny goat weed supplement's side effects. The side effects are said to be dependent on how much of the dosage you will take. Correspondingly, the higher the dosage you take and the more frequent you take the supplement, the more likely that the side effects will occur.
  • The side effects cited include rapid heartbeat, restlessness, and insomnia. Here if you intend to take horny goat weed as a supplement and follow the product recommendations of trial and error to determine its effectiveness or its dosage, it is possible that once you increase your dosage because of its efficiency it is likely that you will also experience the previously mentioned side effects.
  • As a note, product information also indicates that the horny goat weed supplement's daily value as well as that of its component icariin's, is actually not established.
  • Horny goat weed's qualifications as a phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors is based primarily on studies that the qualities of its icariin content can be likened to that of phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors. As added information, studies also show that phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors are not always effective.

As consumers, we should take extra care in knowing more about the product and the benefits we can derive from supplements like horny goat weed. In addition, seek professional advice from your doctor or health care provider as well. Drugs and supplements as we all know can put both our money and our health at risk.