Organic Weed Control Methods – Safe and Simple

Organic Weed Control Methods – Safe and Simple

If you are wondering about effective weed eradication without the risk of endangering your organic garden then wonder no further because here are a few easy, cheap, accessible and, most of all, organic weed control tips that you can do to rid your garden of those pesky and persistent weeds.

First of all, you have to understand that weeds sprout on open cultivated areas. If you chose to grow your plants in a well-cultivated spot in your garden, there is a big possibility that weeds may contend with your young foliage and shrubbery and rob them of the nutrients that they need. Well, fear no longer because you can easily get rid of these pests through a number of organic weed killers.

One method is placing mulch over the cultivated soil. Mulch is a protective cover placed over the cultivated soil, first of all, to change the effect of the local environment. But mulch can also be used as a means to control weeds. It does this by depriving the weeds of light – an essential aspect to consider if one is to succeed in this organic weed control method. Its advantages are that it is easy to lay down, retrieve, transfer and store. Some organic materials used as mulch are grass clippings, leaves, hay, comfrey and shredded bark. Using mulch also make the plants healthier as a majority of these materials are also used as a direct composting.

Another organic weed killer is the common, household vinegar. Yes, vinegar! The same vinegar that you use to cook dishes and season recipes! Vinegar contains acetic acid, a component which can get rid of weeds very effectively. The higher the level of acetic acid the more effective it is in killing weeds. A regular, kitchen-used type of vinegar contains five percent (5%) of acetic acid, a relatively low amount. It would take repetitive applications of vinegar on the weeds to effectively kill them and stop them recurring.

It is important to note that although vinegar is an organic weed killer, it may still harm your other plants if it comes into contact with them. To prevent this from happening, you can consider applying the vinegar onto the weeds by means of a brush. This will make the application process a lot more selective and accurate, thus minimizing the chances of mistakenly applying the substance on other plants.

Another way to apply this organic herbicide is through the use of a spray. Just be sure to be very close to the weeds before you press the trigger as a strong gale or even a weak one can alter the direction of the vinegar.

Soil solarisation is another effective measure of amongst a number of organic herbicides. It is one of the safest and most effective ways to get rid of those irritatingly persistent weeds. It is most effective in areas with large amounts of sunlight and warm temperature. This is done by covering the soil with a clear, plastic tarpaulin for a time period of 4 to 6 weeks during the time of the year when the soil will receive maximum direct sunlight. If done correctly, the covered soil will heat up to as high as 125 degrees up to 6 inches from the top. For a period of a few weeks, that would be enough to kill wilt and root fungi, root knot nematodes and noxious wee seeds. It will also release nutrients stored within the soil making it an effective measure for garden soils.

These are just some of the most popular organic weed killers that most organic farmers use. Try some of them to discover which organic weed control technique is best for you and your organic garden.