Just Who the Heck Is Vic Hutchinson?

Just Who the Heck Is Vic Hutchinson?

If you are reading this article, then you have probably heard of Vic Hutchinson. If you have not, Vic Hutchinson is a self-made internet millionaire. By self-made I mean he started with nothing… absolutely nothing… and built an online empire. He’s been quietly making a fortune online for the last 12 years. How did he get there? Years of trial and error and a “never say die” attitude. This guy just doesn’t give up and is an inspiration to anyone who listens to him.

Vic Hutchinson Biography

Vic started trying to market online 12 years ago. He would jump for program to program (he calls it “jumping to the next shiny”) and was not having the success he wanted. In fact, at one time he was so poor that he only had $10 to his name. He was a young newlywed and was supposed to get diapers with that $10, but was approached by a homeless man on the way to the store. Instead of snubbing him, Vic gave his last $10 to the homeless man… he gave up that money to someone he thought was in more need than himself. (Another thing you will find out about Vic Hutchinson is that he is BIG on giving.) After a few years of this back and forth routine with online marketing (and no success), Vic decided to change his approach. He deleted every marketing email he had and got off every “guru” list he was on and focused on what he had already learned. He stopped all the outside “chatter” and focused on one thing and didn’t let anything else distract him. To his surprise it worked. And he hasn’t looked back since. Vic states that once he took HIMSELF out of the picture and started adding real value for people, the tidal wave of money started and has not stopped since. He also attributes his wealth to the love and devotion of his wife and his strong faith in God. Look up Vic Hutchinson online and you will find nothing negative about him. He is a Georgia-boy and is about as country and down to earth as you can get. Listen to one of his videos and you will hear his genuiness and enthusiasm. Vic’s main goal or vision is to end hunger for children. That is his passion and what keeps him going.

Vic Hutchinson Training

Vic currently has a video training series called the “2011 Millionaire Class.” Vic states that it is his goal to make every student that enters his class a millionaire by the end of 2011. The course currently has 8 training rooms (with more being added monthly). Each training room is FULL of information, takes you to the next stage of the learning process and is literally a start to finish program. Vic has several testimonials of students that are making money with his program that have never made money online before. And finally, as of this writing Vic has started teaching his students “local marketing”. Local marketing is another subject (and article) altogether, but I’m sure you have heard that this is the new frontier of online marketing. What separates Vic’s training from all the others? Vic actually practices what he preaches and is in the trenches with his students, making money along side of them. He has proof his teachings work because he makes money doing it. From what I have seen Vic Hutchinson is very genuine and unique. His training can help affiliate marketers, network marketers and pretty much anyone who markets anything online. He cares about his students and if you decide to join him and make him your mentor, you’d better be ready to work. He doesn’t tolerate tire kickers or whiners. And he is very open about that.

At the end of the day, Vic Hutchinson is just a country boy that loves his family and has a desire to make a difference. As he states… “He doesn’t do it for the money anymore.”