Planning Your Wedding Rehearsal Dinner

Planning Your Wedding Rehearsal Dinner

The great thing about a Rehearsal Dinner is that there are no set rules. Depending on your personality and budget you can create any type of dinner party you want.

Traditionally the Rehearsal Dinner is hosted by the groom’s parents. But it is now becoming more common for the bride and groom to host their own dinner.

If you are throwing your own party, here are some ideas you might want to consider.

Formal Party

A formal Dinner is nice if you are having a small party for twenty people or less. You can host the party at your favorite restaurant. Usually you allow your guests to order off the menu.

Pizza Party

This is a fun idea for groups who want a very casual party. The party can be hosted at a friends home or at your favorite pizza parlor. A pizza party is a great way to relax your guests before the formal wedding.

Pot Luck Dinner

If you are low on cash, a potluck dinner is a great idea. Ask your in-town guests to bring their favorite food and host a party at your home (or friends house). Be sure to organize in advance what your guests will bring. You would not want to end up with five plates of ham sandwiches and no desserts. A potluck dinner is a great way for friends and family to spend time together without going into debt.

With a little imagination and planning you and your guests can have a great time without spending a ton of money.