Signs Your Ex Girlfriend Wants You Back

Signs Your Ex Girlfriend Wants You Back

When it comes to signs that your ex is ready to reconcile, one of the first things to know is that sometimes your she doesn’t even know it herself. There are many subconscious things your ex will do with words, actions, and even body language that will indicate she’s giving you a green light. Knowing what these things are, and when they’re occurring, can be key in winning back an ex girlfriend. The list below contains some of the most promising indications that you’re on track to getting her back:

Your Ex Keeps in Contact With You – Any girl who breaks up with you and truly means it will eventually fade out of your life. Even if she let you down easy and gave you the “lets be friends” speech… if she’s not interested, you’ll eventually lose touch with her. If you’ve got an exgirlfriend who’s keeping in constant contact with you, it’s always a good sign. This could be by phone or face to face contact, or she could be doing it with text messages or emails if she’s trying to hide this communication from friends (or even a new boyfriend). Either way, her wanting to talk to you is always a good sign.

Your Ex girlfriend Asks to Meet You – Text messages and emails from your ex are all well and good, but when she wants to meet you for lunch or coffee there’s usually something behind it. Even if she doesn’t have anything specific to say to you, she’s probably watching your own body language and seeing how you react to being around her. Any ex who keeps the lines of communication this wide open has still left the door to your relationship open a crack… just in case she decides to change her mind. Keep your conversation lighthearted and fun, and make her always happy to see you. After a while, things are bound to get more personal.

She Starts Inquiring About Your Own Situation – This is a tremendous sign that your ex doesn’t want you to move on. Yes, she broke up with you. Yes, she even might’ve wished you luck in finding someone new. But did she mean it? No way. No woman wants to see her ex boyfriend dating another girl – especially if she herself hasn’t moved on yet. What she’s doing here is putting out feelers to see what kind of circumstances you’ve got going on in your own personal life. As friendly as she might make it seem, she’s not asking in a friendly way: she’s asking in an ex-girlfriend type of way, one that would much rather see you single.

She Suddenly Changes Her Attitude Toward You – After a break up, your ex might treat you with kid gloves. She’ll probably keep some distance between you, even through contact, and she’ll be conscious of not trying to lead you on. But then all of a sudden… she gets emotionally close again. She begins to complement and show affection toward you, and may get real flirty all at once. This is a big sign that your ex wants you back. Something has changed in her own life, or in her outlook toward you. Roll with it, and see where it leads.