How to Stop Smoking Weed – 2 Mental Tricks

How to Stop Smoking Weed – 2 Mental Tricks

If you want to know how to stop smoking weed and you know you have a serious problem with quitting (or staying quit!) then you may need a few mental tricks that can help you not only fight the cravings but can eventually move your entire paradigm of thinking to that of a non-pot smoker.

Sounds too good to be true? Well only using these mental tricks will not get you the whole way but they are a great addiction to the war chest you can create to fight your addiction and be free of Marijuana for good!

Quitting Weed Tips

  1. Repetition – This may sound stupid but we all learn by repetition and we can all change how we think by repetition. There is a saying that a lie told often enough will become a truth and even if you feel that being free of pot may be a lie if you repeat it often enough you can change the way you think. Find a quite place with no interruptions every day and find a few phrases that are how you WANT to think such as “I am in total control of my smoking, I do not need to smoke today nor ever!”, make sure you are completely relaxed and say this to yourself over and over again for quite a few minutes. Not only is this relaxing but it is a kind of meditation and self hypnosis that can imprint those phrases into your subconscious.
  2. Elastic Band Therapy – Again this may seem odd but this has been proven to be effective for many smokers looking to quit marijuana and cigarettes. Wear an elastic band around your wrist all the time and when you start thinking thoughts about smoking and the cravings start pull on that elastic band and snap it back with enough force to cause some pain. No I am not a sadist! What this does is it creates a pavlovian response within your mind that links thoughts of smoking pot with pain and so you will start to avoid thinking those thoughts and they will be moved to the ‘stuff to be avoided’ folder in your brain.