A Breakfast Pizza for a Perfect Saturday Morning

A Breakfast Pizza for a Perfect Saturday Morning

A lot of times we focus on how we are going to get breakfast done quickly. This is great during the week and it allows you to start your day in a positive way. But on the weekends, I challenge you to slow it down and make something special. Feel the accomplishment of a week of great eating and working hard. It’s also a great time to help your family feel cared for and special. It may seem weird, but food can do all of that for you!

A breakfast pizza is an awesome way to put some great, semi-healthy food in front of your family that will leave them feeling like they had something special. You don’t see breakfast pizza around too often, but when you do, you have to try it! So why not make your Saturday morning that much more fun?

To keep breakfast pizza simple, make an easy pizza dough or biscuit recipe. I prefer homemade here to eliminate some highly processed options. It really doesn’t take much more than 10-15 minutes of your time. Once you have your crust made, its time to work on your meat item if you are using one. In a skillet, brown your sausage or crisp up your bacon or ham. Drain away most of the fat.

I like to reuse my pan to make some rockin’ gravy to use as a “sauce” on the pizza. Gravy is pretty simple. Heat your fat on about medium heat. In a glass or bowl (I like to use my blender bottle), add about a cup of milk and a tablespoon or two of flour. Make sure there are no lumps! Whisk the mixture into the hot fat (remember not a lot of fat here!). Keep whisking until the gravy starts to boil and thicken. I also salt and pepper at this point.

Your final step, or maybe just your next step if you are doing a meatless pie, is to simply whip up some scrambled eggs. Six to eight eggs is a pretty good amount. I always add a little milk (cow’s or coconut) to the eggs so they will be lighter. I also like to season with some salt and pepper as a minimum.

Its now time to assemble. First, spread your gravy as the sauce. Next put your meat, veggies, and eggs on the gravy. Last step is the place cheese on the pizza. Pop your pizza in the oven on about 425 degrees and back for 12-15 minutes. If your pizza or biscuit dough has a different baking temperature and time, its best to follow those instructions. Just make sure you keep your eye on things. You will know its done when the cheese is light brown and bubbly and the crust is browned as well.

Enjoy the smell of the pizza, the taste of the combinations, and the time with your family. You won’t regret the 45 minutes it takes to make. Most importantly, you are serving up meats, veggies, dairy, eggs, and some heart-warming bread. Nothing can replace that. Enjoy your weekend mornings in style and continue to work at making eating an enjoyable, healthy experience.