Is Hip Hop Dancing Hard?

Is Hip Hop Dancing Hard?

The routines that you watch the hip hop dancers do on television when they perform in a group or when they are backing dancers for music acts is probably difficult to do. These are often some of the best dancers in the country and they will most likely to be doing professional routines.

However not all hip hop dancing is difficult. To learn a few dance moves is within reach of anyone and there are many dance moves that can be learnt in just a few minutes.

Learning hip hop routines is a slightly trickier affair and the difficulty level will depend upon what you are learning. It will vary from place to place.

For example if you decide to go down to a dance studio and take some beginners classes, it may take you a few months before you can do them well. This is a relatively short time if you think about it but is still a time investment.

If you want to be able to do advanced or professional routines like those you see on television it usually takes years to get to that standard. Many dancers have been training their whole lives since they were children.

To be able to not only do the routines but do them well takes many, many years. For example if you are a talented dancer it might only be a few years before you are able to commence advanced hip hop classes.

To then be able to pull off these routines and do them as good as the best dancers or the teacher is probably going to take more years still. It is something that many dancers dedicate their lives to in pursuit of reaching this kind of level.

When it comes to the hip hop dancing you do when you freestyle or make routines (if you do either), well it can be as hard or as difficult as you like. That decision is entirely up to you and will depend upon the song and how you feel like dancing.

If you want to see both ends of the spectrum go and visit a dance studio that provides hip hop classes at different levels. Ask if you can watch some of the classes. Watch a beginner’s class and an advanced class and you will quickly get an idea of how easy or hard it can be!