Our Drug Tainted Dollars – Is The War On Drugs Completely Lost?

Our Drug Tainted Dollars – Is The War On Drugs Completely Lost?

Most drug enforcement personnel will say fighting the inflow of drugs to our Nation is a tough one; it's an issue of supply and demand. The demand here in the US is high, and the drug cartels seem to have an endless supply. Even if you reduce the inflow of supply the demand is still too high, so the price goes up, we have more local crime as users steal to get the money to buy the drugs, along with more gang warfare for the drug-selling territory. The cartel and its dealer network also has a greater incentive (higher street value) to find new ways to import the product. Nothing in that scenario is good, and it's almost a no win situation.

Not long ago, a member of our think tank noted that due to all the money laundering and drug cartel activity in the USA, some of which can obviously be blamed on US Citizen demand and consumption, our paper currency has drug residue in its fibers, easily traceable and at an alarming saturation percentage. In fact, our think tank member stated:

"Drugs in our nation are now so plentiful that the DEA is looking for a contractor to decontaminate cash positioned in drug raids. with other designer drugs, they think they need to really launder the money somehow.

It was also recently reported that the police and drug enforcement are finding paper covered with fentanyl on their windshields place on them like a parking ticket, to hurt our police and also drive the canine drug enforcement dogs crazy.

It is common knowledge and has been the case for years that nearly every $ 20 to $ 100 bill has cocaine residue on it. Yes, our money really is dirty, indeed, it is drug money is not it? Next thing you know people will go to the ATM to get $ 20 bills so they can roll them up and smoke them like crack, getting a $ 20 high off the damn residue? This drug problem is getting insane. So, I dare to ask: Are we really winning the war on drugs – because, it sure does not look like it from where I am sitting. Please consider all this and think on it. If you have a solution, please pass it on.