Coffee Varieties Around the World – A Quick Tour

Coffee Varieties Around the World – A Quick Tour

Coffee beans is grown in more than 70 countries around the globe. The biggest producers of coffee are tropical and sub-tropical countries where the weather and soil conditions are perfect for the plant.

Coffee is also the most popular drink in the world and is considered an important commodity that is traded globally. You can travel the world through your cup by trying the different varieties from around the world.

Latin America produces the most number of coffee annually. Brazil still tops the list of producers producing almost one third of the world’s production. Colombia comes next to Brazil. Other Latin American nations that produce coffee for global consumption include: Mexico, Panama, Papua New Guinea, Costa Rica and Guatemala.

Ethiopia where coffee originated from produces 3.8 million bags of coffee each year, making it the highest producing country in Africa. Africa and the Middle East produce coffee wit the most enticing flavors and aromas.

In Asia, Vietnam produces the highest quantity. Indonesia is also a coffee producing country with a wide range of varieties grown in the different regions of the country. Because the coffee is grown in different conditions and is processed differently from one another there are hundreds of varieties around the world. Each variety has its distinct flavor and aroma. Each country produces different varieties. There is no international or global standard when it comes to grading and classifying coffee.

Aside from the differences in the plant brought about by the different growing conditions, coffee also has different flavors and consistencies because there are different process of brewing and different laws and rules pertaining to cultivating and manufacturing. Some countries have laws regarding the caffeine content of their product while other countries don’t.

Blenders even create hundreds of different blends from the varieties around the world. Retailers can create different blends from regular and exotic coffee which means there are hundreds of different ways to enjoy the brew.

Coffee enthusiasts are very open to trying the different coffee varieties from around the world and also the different blends that retailers and blenders produce because every variety has a distinct flavor and will give the drinker a unique experience.

Some coffees are not grown in large quantities but are extremely sought-after because of their distinct flavor and aroma. These exotic coffees are usually pricey because the growing place or condition does not allow for mass-cultivation and very little coffee beans are harvested during harvest season.